Monday, July 13, 2015


Monday again?, yeah I know some of you don't relish the thought of doing it all over again [the grind] week after week, I hated going back into a new work week, you see, during my working hard in construction days, I LIVED for the weekends, and they were always amazing, it was all about cutting loose and having fun and I was good at it, then, when Monday would return oh the contrast! Even back then, from around 2001 to 2006 I always knew life just had to be better, why was it that I could live like a king on the weekends, and always end up a wage slave a majority of my waking life? something's got to change, and change it has, but not without tossing away everything I thought I knew, and in the past five years it hasn't been easy, I'm not going to lie about this, changing your thinking and beliefs will shake your world up big time. Before becoming a conscious creator I used to take everything in my life very seriously, especially my job, this created a lot of discord and contrast because I was living two different lives, my ''live for the weekend'' carefree lifestyle of having fun and overspending, and my ''hamster on the wheel'' work life trying to keep up with my responsibilities. At times I would just get so overwhelmed that I'd have frequent meltdowns or self medicate with over drinking and over eating, my stress levels were through the roof, and this was in my 40's! During these past five years of my life's complete overhaul with law of attraction, when I'd discovered that I DID create my reality and began taking responsibility for it, just like my past job I began to take all this law of attraction stuff seriously, I was serious about changing my life for the better and I would do whatever it took. As of now I've learned the hard way that taking life in general seriously is a very futile approach, we are not supposed to approach life this way, it creates way too much dis-harmony, chaos, and suffering. We are here in these physical bodies to experience the contrast and create the life we choose, and if we take this too serious we're doing it all wrong, as hard as it is for most to believe, it really is as simple as relaxing and enjoying the journey and there's that added bonus, YOU get to create whatever you want to experience in your reality! When you begin to learn and understand that you can create your reality, at first glance you'll tend to take all of this law of attraction stuff seriously, I did at the beginning myself, but as the years passed and I let go of my limited beliefs I've began to loosen up a lot, this stuff isn't so hard anymore, as a matter of fact it just gets easier and easier. When you become fully aligned with Source Energy on a consistent basis you'll begin to view conscious creation in a more childlike/playful manner, through the [vibration/energy] of Source, and at this stage effortless creation is born. Manifesting your desires will become like a game you play and physical reality will be your playground, through the contrast you'll continue to launch ''new'' desires, the only difference is you won't be creating by default, you'll be creating deliberately so you would be living in a ''preferred'' reality. Our higher selves don't view the physical reality as we do, if we feel rotten because of certain circumstances we are not happy with, we disconnect ourselves from higher self, when we are inspired and always seeking experiences that make us feel good we are connected to higher self, our physical part wants things, our higher self wants ''experiences'' and constant alignment brings the best of both. You can now see the importance of aligning to your authentic self, because that's how you manifest your desires, and with constant alignment things that used to seem big to you, [houses, cars, wealth] become smaller and smaller in comparison to your own well being, which becomes the top priority, and you'll STILL get all that good stuff. Create the life of your choosing, just don't take it all too seriously, relax, have fun, and from the words of the higher self, lighten up!

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