Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Good morning viewers, what is your vibrational set point?, what is a vibrational set point?, it is where your current beliefs are held, and your reality is based on those current beliefs. Everyone has a different vibrational set point, no one person is the same, but when you choose to become a conscious creator you must analyze, identify, and become aware of your limiting beliefs to begin changing them. You need look no further than your current reality to see what beliefs you hold, so if you want to make some improvements in your life you will have to adopt new beliefs that resonate with the improved life you desire. This is where the wounded mind will defend it's conditioned, old beliefs and thinking patterns, I'll give an example from my own personal experience, when I would feel as if I was making great shifts in my beliefs, within a short time my subconscious would sabotage my effort by placing me square back into my lower vibrational set point. Another way to put this is the higher my vibrational output was, the more my wounded mind would find a way to bring me back down on a lower vibrational set point [clinging onto limiting beliefs] thus lowering my [energy] vibration. This will grow frustrating time and time again for anyone wanting to change their beliefs, so what's a person to do? The key word here is persistence, because without it most will just give up and fall back into their old habits, thought patterns, and limited beliefs due to repeating frustration. Battling your wounded mind is a futile attempt, especially when it disagrees with the changes for the better you are trying to program into it, it only knows what it's been programmed to before you decided that you wanted a better life. Belief change is something you must ''ease'' into and although we want changes to happen quickly, it just doesn't work that way, each time you try to ''break'' through the ceiling [vibrational set point] your wounded mind will find a way to bring you back down, you can't force your limited beliefs to change, you have to allow them to dissolve on their own, and there may be a lot of ''three steps forward, two steps back'' scenarios, where you make great progress in one area, then something else surfaces that has to be cleaned up. Be not discouraged, remember that persistence thing I mentioned above? Being persistent isn't about forcing a wanted outcome, it's about soothing yourself and finding relief around any subject you have a limiting belief [resistance] about, for example, you want to manifest [allow] a larger stream of income into your life, but every time you focus on a large sum of money you feel uncomfortable about it, thoughts of doubt, fear, and the how's and when's creep in, those are the limited beliefs, so you'll instantly ''judge'' them as a negative thing, acknowledging there's an issue [resisting them] which will only reinforce them even more. When you find a way to sooth yourself when resistance [limited beliefs] surface they will loosen their grip over time and eventually dissolve on their own, what helps me is by holding the energy of the wish fulfilled, and that energy brings a feeling of ''relief'' around any desire I might have and the resistance that sometimes surfaces around it. Eventually the energy of ''already having'' what you want without physically having it will claim victory, so the resistance and limited beliefs will have less and less staying power, meaning your dominant energy will be a ''match'' to your desires so the Universe MUST deliver. A reminder before closing this post, you are after a feeling not a thing, what you may learn is that holding the feeling of the desire already fulfilled will become better than the physical manifestation itself, this is because the journey to manifestation will feel better than the manifestation itself, and because the physical manifestation will eventually occur, the fun is over, so you'll move on to something else to chase after energetically, but then again, that's what we're here for, to enjoy the journey, not the destination.

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