Saturday, September 15, 2012

The truth is ''in'' there

Greetings fellow readers, as always, thank you for visiting this blog, as long as I'm on this spiritual journey, there will be this blog, the purpose is to learn and grow together, while I've still to master the craft of deliberate creation, I truly hope I help you all along the way, we all will have a different approach to learning but I believe we are all connected and have a purpose and I am learning that this blog is mine. Deliberate creation IS a life long practice that takes alot of dedication and persistence, but the coolest part is sharing the journey. Since I began this post almost a year ago I've learned that posting my progress could help like minded readers too,and  it does feel rewarding, and it also gives me motivation to push forward through the sometimes not so pleasant transformation to enlightenment. Finally!, the topic, TRUTH, what is truth?, well, truth has so many meanings about many different things. We all hold certain truths, but do these truths serve us?, for example, do we believe everything we read or hear to be true?, the fact is, when we hear what others tell us outside of ourselves we sometimes buy into others truths, for example the media and corporate advertising, politics, what's healthy or not healthy, others telling us what's best to believe, organized religion through out history has always used falsehood instead of truth to control the masses. When I was in my mid teens I became a rebellous person, it was me against the world, I walked my own path and did whatever I pleased, I paid no attention to politics or religion, at the same time however I would believe almost everything I heard, and it got me into alot of trouble, as I  moved into my late teens I began to follow instead of lead, I had become influenced by the wrong things, I had become a restless soul, believe me I wish I knew all this deliberate creation process then, but I had to learn some harsh lessons. By my early twenties I was sold by the news and media, I began to see a truth they were telling me, plus everybody else telling me that I was'nt going to amount to anything, once that became MY truth, the downward spiral began, and it lasted for years!, I was literally poisoning my spirit, looking for self destructive outlets to numb the current reality and picking up more and more ''false'' truths along the way, the damage would be insurmountable.
While I could go on and on about my life's story, this post would become a book, {???} fast forward to the present, I'm understanding a new truth, of course I still do as I please and walk my way, and I'm still rebellous to an extent, but I'm these things in a self loving and empowered way, I have found real truth is within, truth about who I am and why I'm here, and, mind you, still learnin' that truth. When I progressed spiritually other's  truths went in and out of  my ears, I only listen to my truths, my self talk, through repitition, helped me to understand the truth that's within ME, as a matter of  fact {no pun!} I'll share these truths, I am beautiful, unique, blessed, abundant, gifted, motivated and sucessful, and so are you readers! These are all truths we should embrace, every day when you wake up and look into the mirror say these ''truths'' out loud to yourself and then keep saying them all day, over and over. Look, there are going to be people that will try to impose truths to control others, myself, I dont believe the truth is ''out'' there, the truth is within all of us, it's designed this way, a belief becomes a truth, we are given freewill, to choose our own truths, these truths determine our reality. Just imagine for a second if the whole planet embraced their inner truth, with positive empowerment and habbits, what a utopia we would live in! As this journey continues, I'll learn more truths, and as I do this, nothing outside of me will have control over  me, I'll freely walk my own path without obstacle. I'm still a rebellous child like I was when young, the coolest thing is I am young again, and I  walk my own path and speak my own truth, to myself.
[hey, I'm an aquarius!]                                Until next time!

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