Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Good evening fellow creators, before I begin tonight's topic, I want to come clean on one thing, I've been practicing conscious creation consistently now for 5 years, and the progress I've made has been astounding!, my physical reality is beginning to catch up with my intended reality, manifestations are pouring in and I've never felt such a sense of relief and well being in my entire life, wait for it...wait for it.... but I'm no expert on the law of attraction! You read right, I'm not an expert with the law of attraction and I'll never be, this is a natural law, as is the law of gravity, which I'm no expert with either. You see, we can't become an expert on something that's infinite, omnipotent, and perfectly orchestrated, because we are only human [I mean this in a good way] We don't ''use'' the law of attraction whenever we decide we want to manifest something, we're using it all of the time, every second law of attraction is responding to our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, it's always operating 24/7, it's inescapable! We leverage this law with the greatest of ease due to the fact that we are ALL deliberate creators, it's just that most of us are good at creating what we DON'T want by default, while some of us can create what we DO want deliberately. I don't care who you are, where you came from, or what your past is, you are always creating your reality via law of attraction, you're creating by what you are thinking, feeling, and believing, and you are doing this 7 days a week, 365 days a year, no exception! While this may seem blunt at first glance it's important to understand that we, and only we, are one hundred percent responsible for our own physical reality, what we are thinking we are becoming, what we are believing we are receiving. The Universe operates with zero effort, if you launch an intention and believe with every fiber of your being that you can have it, you can have it with no effort required on your part, it will manifest in your physical reality, if you constantly complain and believe that things won't get any better with every fiber of your being, you can have more of the same with no effort required on your part, and more matching circumstances will manifest in your physical reality. It doesn't take rocket science to understand this Universal law, but it does take practice, patience, persistence, and perseverance to leverage it in your favor. It's funny that some people pay other people to learn how to ''use'' the law of attraction so they can manifest their desires, they buy books and audio's, they try different kinds of techniques and methods [quite expensive in some cases] hoping there is a ''quick fix'' to getting them from where they are to where they want to be. There are no shortcuts in personal development, effort is required but not the kind of effort we are so conditioned to believe, the effort is going inward and reprogramming yourself for success, not outward where everyday struggle is the norm. This blog site is one of many out there on the subject of conscious creation, some bloggers get paid for sharing information and knowledge about the law of attraction, [nothing wrong with that] but that's not me, my blog site is all about my own personal journey and development, and I share it with you in hopes that you too can gain something from what I've learned, and use it to live the life you dream of. I don't write these articles for financial gain, in the four years I've blogged here, it has not been my intention to ''get paid to blog'' instead I enjoy sharing this journey with all of you and hopefully change some lives in the process. I don't believe we become experts on this Universal law, we just become awakened to the fact that we are more powerful than we thought, and it's a very personal journey for each and every one of us that we must learn individually, and nobody should have to ''pay'' for it, I haven't and I've become very successful at this, but there is no ''one size fits all'' with conscious creation. Allow me to close with a comforting assurance, you can create any reality you choose, you can have anything you want, and the Universe will bring it to you with zero effort, I know this because I'm experiencing it first hand! In future posts I'm going to share all my successes in hopes that they help you get inspired and accomplish your dreams, so please stay viewed.

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