Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Good evening viewers, after a lengthy hiatus I'm back to create a new post and boy has it been a very interesting past few weeks. Lately, I've been undergoing somewhat of an extended lethargic stage, I've had almost zero motivation and that not give a crap about anything attitude these past few weeks, what's odd about all of this is I've still managed to maintain a fairly positive attitude amidst the boredom of everything but a few things. It's funny with reality creation, when we get dominant with our positive thinking and all of the sudden we slip into a negative thought we'll assume that we must rectify the negative immediately to bring things back into balance, negative people don't like positive thinking, positive people don't like negative thinking, but what happens when you're riding a big wave of bliss and maintaining that blissful feeling for days or even weeks?, then, out of the blue, something rattles your blissful foundation and before you know it you're feeling down, even slightly depressed, apathetic, lethargic, or even bored with everything in general. Now you just want to hurry up and get back to your blissful state of mind but for some reason you just can't get back there so you begin to feel let down, almost to the point of feeling like a failure and yet you have improved your overall vibration so you won't allow yourself to spiral downward into depression, instead, you just lose interest with vibrational molding and conscious creation altogether, you seem to just develop the overall attitude of ''screw all of this'' and at least try to go general. This has been me for the past few weeks and although inspiration was still looking for a crack to squeeze through I just couldn't get my body to move into action, heck, there were some bouts of explosive anger even thrown in for good measure a few times and thankfully I have developed the ability to shift my focus when the shit is headed towards the fan! What have I learned?, well for starters maintaining a blissful state for too long will lead us to the opposite side of it, why?, because after some time a balance must occur, everything has it's opposite and I'm speaking strictly from the emotional point of view, not from the physical reality point of view, and thank god we manifest our emotions first, so that we can course correct when necessary towards the things we want instead of what we don't want. When being deliberate in positive thoughts dominantly, we'll tend to be afraid of our own negative thoughts even more than before, so much so, we'll be quick to reach for the better feeling thoughts as soon as we possibly can, but it may not always work so we'll have to sit with those undesirable thoughts and the feelings they trigger for awhile, for myself these past few weeks, I could be thinking positive thoughts and still be feeling off kilter energetically, no matter how positive my thinking was. This is all part of the process and sooner or later, once in a while, you'll just lose the excitement around your desires and life in general, no, I'm not discouraging anyone here because you WILL eventually manifest your own desires and intentions, it's just that holding your excitement around anything for too long will bring about it's polar opposite but ONLY at the emotional/vibrational level. Let's dig deeper here, the less you care about something the more neutral you are about it, you have to ask yourself, is it really necessary to be in a blissful state of mind 24/7?, can we be?, should we be? Reality works in a way that balances itself out, if you're angry long enough eventually something will come along and make you laugh, if you're sad long enough then something, or someone, will come along and cheer you up eventually, and if you're ''fairies and rainbows'' happy for a long period of time, eventually something or somebody is going to piss you off, all emotionally, no end of the world scenarios here, all things must just balance out. When we've made great strides in maintaining our positive vibes for long periods of time and then out of the blue we get derailed emotionally we'll beat the living crap out of ourselves when we can't maintain our bliss, we can't do that. A true conscious creator will know that they are still prone to negative thoughts and feelings and learn to accept and not judge them, they will understand the natural order of things and how physical reality truly works as well as the role that balance plays, true successful reality creation [intention/manifestation] comes from a neutral and balanced state, the less you care the easier and more effortlessly things can manifest. Life gives us everything we desire, the funny thing is the less we desire it the easier it can come to us, this does not mean we shouldn't desire anything, it also doesn't mean we want it any less, of course we want something and we DO deserve it and life energy knows this, it's just that life energy IS neutral and so must WE be, to become aligned with what we want, I'm far from done here.

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