Saturday, February 27, 2016


Hello again and what a ''relief'' it is to be once again inspired to write another post as I'm in a transition place between my current reality and my more preferred reality. I've found that I can't live in two realities at the same time [current unwanted and desired/preferred reality] and the contrast created is overwhelming to say the least. The longer I reside in my current reality the more I WANT to reside in my new reality [relocation to another state] and I'll be completely honest here, things aren't really that bad at all where I am now, it's just that I can get very tired of being in one place too long, especially when summer is fast approaching, [I live in Phoenix Arizona!] so I'm getting a little antsy to make a move, and soon! If anyone reading this post is going through these vibrational summersaults when it comes to being stuck in your current reality and wanting SO bad that your preferred reality would just manifest already, you are not alone, I mean you know you've done and ARE doing everything right, so what's with the holdup? It's so obvious that your chosen reality is within reach because you can FEEL it at the cellular level, you've already affirmed, visualized, and shifted your beliefs and still nothing so what gives? What gives is there's no longer any more you need to do but chill, but that still doesn't help when the contrast is banging on the door! First, no matter how bad it can feel when you want to be somewhere else or you don't have that thing you want because you're noticing it's absence and yes, sending the energy of absence delays the manifestation I'm afraid so two things can happen here, completely forget about it [let go/release it] or find ways to appreciate and feel good about it while anticipating it's arrival. [positive expectation] Harder than it reads I know but here's what's working wonders for me, each time an unwanted circumstance rears it's ugly head, here in Phoenix, and I tell myself if I were just somewhere else my life would be better, instead of noticing where I'm not and sending THAT energy which will only keep me where I am, I simply pivot my emotion towards that of relief, yes, in reality creation relief IS your friend because relief is pretty close to what you'll feel when your actual manifestation takes place! You can feel excited and exhilarated about your preferred and already created reality until the cows come home, but over time getting what you want isn't about getting worked up and excited about it, you already did that when you first launched it, the Universe knew then that you wanted what you wanted, so it was created in THAT moment. Getting up to speed with what you want [preferred reality] is ALREADY possessing what you already have and have had all along [reference above] so even though you still don't have it yet in the physical you FEEL like you already DO have it energy wise, so you could care less whether it manifests or not and the paradox here, it can now manifest easily into your physical reality. Here I remain in my vibrational ''limbo'' between where I am and where I want to be, [relocating to another state] the thing is that finding relief keeps me on track and I'm doing this whenever ANY unwanted thought surfaces that could lead to sending opposing energies to what I prefer. What I'm finding is this, the more I feel relief the faster I allow myself to re-align towards my desired reality, allowing a faster and much smoother manifestation. I'll zip it up with this, how will you REALLY feel when your greatest desire is made manifest into your physical reality? RELIEVED!

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