Saturday, April 27, 2013

Embrace the change

Greetings fellow co-creators and practicioneers, I want to touch on the subject of allowing change a little more even though I've mentioned it a little in past posts. As of now, there is a big shift occuring in my life, and since I'm a hands-on kind of guy, it's really cool to experience and write about this as it is unfolding. For the past 34 months of doing all the inner work, clearing emotional baggage, and matching up vibrationally, my dominant focus is now feeling good, as this happens, the shifts are beginning to take place, and they come out of nowhere, and they are happening in the LEAST expected ways, so there may be some uncertainty on our part to take action, but it is at this time, we must TRUST and move with faith knowing this is the right direction we are heading, and feel good no matter what!  As we begin to feel and see manifestations happen, we must understand they will not always unfold in the ways that we expect, so sometimes we can mistake these as ''I'm not getting what I want'', or, ''this is'nt the way this is suppose to happen''  but the truth is that it's not our job to figure the how's, where's, or when's, we just have to take it in faith and not disrupt the manifestation process. we may think that the things we want will just show up, and sometimes they will, but other times there will be steps, or people will enter our experience so as to HELP us get what we want, the key here is to just take that first step TRUSTING that everything will unfold in perfect timing, that the universe has got our back!  For myself this shift is now happening, although I had to sacrifice leaving my comfort zone I am confident everything I've asked for is pouring in thick and quick, and even at first being scared and uncertain, I'm now feeling confident and appreciative that my new life is unfolding as if by a much bigger and broader plan. We are conditioned to believe change is hard, is it?, from what I'm experiencing maybe at first, but once we take that leap of faith knowing we're heading towards what we want, it becomes exciting, fun and playful, like an awesome adventure! I'm learning the universe sets things up for us in ways that not only teach us, but also enlighten us, as to how fun manifesting CAN be. Summing it up, experience and enjoy the journey, EMBRACE THAT CHANGE! Until next tine soon!

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