Saturday, October 17, 2015


Good morning, changing our reality has no shortcuts, I don't know about you but I'm glad things don't happen too quickly when we want to make big and drastic changes. When we get frustrated with our current reality/circumstances and desperately want something better we must understand that we are just not thinking straight, we are coming from the mindset of lack and neediness, deluded thoughts and ideas come into the fold, hence the mind goes reaching for a ''quick fix'' solution. When this happens we may take actions out of desperation that don't feel good or ''forced'' to avoid a feared outcome, and when an unwanted result occurs we'll go back to telling ourselves that same old story of how difficult and unfair life is. Whatever your life story is, you're the one writing the script and no one else is writing it for you, and whatever your story is now, it will be how things play out in your reality. You've probably heard it before, ''change your story, change your life'' and it sounds pretty simple right? But it will take time for the new story to be ingrained into your belief system, over time that story could be subject to some tweaking and modifications here and there. I've learned this from personal experience, when I made the conscious decision for big changes five years ago I thought that then, at THAT time, I had known what I really wanted and I'll be honest here, to this day none of these things have happened yet, why? Maybe because it's possible that either I really didn't want them at the ''core'' level or, I just wasn't ready to make that big of a leap as far as drastic changes go, or, quite possibly, there may be some awesome experiences I must go through first, to finally get what I wanted. This is what I've mentioned in many of my past postings, our Universe can't deliver something we're really not ready for and should something by chance actually occur, and we're not ready for it, the end results could backfire in our reality. Something wanted or unwanted, again, thank the Universe that there IS a buffer of time so you get the chance to get your story straight! When a person is writing a novel does he/she complete their book in just one sitting? no, of course not, new ideas are constantly coming into the writing process, subjects change, characters change, you may have a set plot but decide to take it in a different direction, you may even extend or change the ending of your book, but in the end You decide what happens or plays out. Yes, love that buffer of time because you can adjust your course and decide with much more clarity, THEN you can begin to tell your story resulting in a much more easy unfolding and making the necessary adjustments as you go. It seems that we all wish that if such and such would just happen, our problems would be solved, but life is all about experiencing, if you want something very badly and you're totally convinced that it will solve all of you're problems, then why wouldn't it manifest? Think about this, what would be better, and really think about it, getting what you want right away or having enjoyable experiences along with getting what you want? remember it's the journey and not the destination that counts here, wouldn't you want this to be fun? A lot of practicing deliberate creators want to tell their stories of ''jumping'' right in to their chosen reality from where they are now, straight to where they want to be, no in between experiences, just A to Z, [guilty here in the past!] so their affirmations are delusional and far from their current reality, nothing happens and I know this from experience! Who reads a good engaging book and skips a few chapters in a hurry to find out how it ends? The Universe does NOT say no, it operates on yes, but it's important to understand that it knows you better than you know yourself, it really does, and it knows that the real fun isn't getting what you want when YOU want it, the REAL fun is the awesome experiences you will have getting what you want. Take this one home my friends, stop telling your story of how hard and unfair life is, and stop telling a delusional story of an instant manifestation that's far out of reach from where you currently are, instead, tell a story about the experiences you want to have while moving towards the things you really want, and KNOW that you'll get exactly what you want, the Universe, I guarantee, will be all in!

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