Thursday, March 3, 2016


Creating our own reality at the conscious level is simple in theory but getting into a space where we create effortlessly is a whole different paradigm, much mental discipline will be required on our part as the mind plays a major role when it comes to our emotional output. This rational mind of ours [left brain] will always be a part of us and we must accept that our rational thinking mind will always be a player in this game of life so we must learn to control it and this does not mean resisting it, the rule of the game is that what we resist will only persist. Over time and practice with conscious creation, we'll develop the ability to just allow the rational mind to be what it will be, as well as learn to become unaffected emotionally from it's pull, this simply means instead of buying into the mind's worries or fears we become the observer, as we would see someone else's child throw a temper tantrum at the toy store, it doesn't affect us emotionally because it's not our child, this is how we would want to treat our own wounded mind when worries, doubts, and fears surface, it's just not who we really are. It is equally important to practice self forgiveness consistently, many times when a person who is new to the concepts of reality creation and begins implementing them to get what they want they'll beat themselves up emotionally for their own negative thinking, again the wounded mind's pull is at work here, they'll assume they're doing something wrong when in actuality there is a natural process at play here, so instead of allowing the wounded mind to be as it is and play itself out they'll become emotionally charged by it, resisting it's pull. For myself personally, it has taken several months to get through this phase and I've learned to just allow my own wounded mind to think what it will think while maintaining a relaxed awareness, an example would be this, occasionally worrying about how I'm going to move out of state [all the mind] then as quickly as possible shifting my focus on the move already achieved which it is, now I'm no longer pulled in emotionally by the mind's rationalizing and worry, I KNOW it's already done so I can relax DESPITE what's running in the rational mind and be relaxed emotionally, not long after, the mind's chatter dissolves because I'm not resisting it or giving any attention to it so it loses it's energetic pull. This is not a one time fix, it will take a lot of practice and discipline to relax when our mind is trying to control any outcome because most of us are ''hard wired'' to do exactly what the fearful mind wants us to because that rational mind of ours is always thinking on future based scenarios. Society is driven by fear and fear is from the mind trying to protect itself from something unwanted in the future, if we allow our own mind to control our lives we are creating a reality of worry, struggle, and fear, life is just too short to be a victim of your own self. Taking control of our life isn't about taking actions to avoid certain unwanted outcomes, it's about taking control of our own thoughts and taking back our own power so that we are in a place emotionally where we can take actions that are inspired no matter what the rational mind is trying to tell us, we can't cut out the part of the mind that's always going to be rational or doubtful, it's a part of us, however, we can just allow it to be as it is, unaffected emotionally by it's pull, it's simply called acceptance. Over time our rational wounded mind will begin to dissolve and have no choice but to get ''on board'' with our heartfelt intentions instead of finding excuses to pull us away from them. It is recommended that we go easy on ourselves when our wounded mind refuses to get on board with our newfound desires, we cannot win when we fight against our wounded self, we must learn to be relaxed no matter what it's thinking and simply becoming witnesses to it's dramas without being pulled emotionally into it's worst case scenarios, all fear is illusion and does not exist in our reality unless we get caught up in that very fear emotionally, and if that fearful negative emotion persists we'll begin attracting vibrational matched experiences into our very own reality. Patience is a virtue with this process and equally important is self forgiveness, training the wounded mind [self] towards our favor is not an overnight shift, it will require time, patience, and a lot of mental discipline, the greater our desires, the more cleaning up of our energy will be required and it's not because the Universe makes us work harder because we want something that's bigger or life changing, it's US ourselves that's doing the necessary clearing energetically so as to allow the big stuff to come into our reality, a million dollars is no different than a wooden coin. All things are equal but they also have their own energy, it is paramount to see things from the perspective of no big deal and the obvious next step, and whatever the negative mind is thinking, it is important to witness it with a relaxed awareness and without judgment whatsoever, we must truly go easy on ourselves during the process of manifesting our intentions.

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