Friday, May 29, 2015

Embracing dark energy

You can't see the light at the end of tunnel without going through the darkness, darkness always comes before the light, we've heard these sayings numerous times I'm sure, and as unpleasant as they sound we all, one time or another, have lived in darkness. During Memorial Weekend I was experiencing very strong and higher vibrations, including a whole day of carefree bliss, and from there it just grew and grew, circumstances were phenomenal and ripe with almost instant manifestations, I was riding my vortex high and mighty. I love the holidays, and I love even more celebrating them, I always have, so I tend to go all out when it comes to serving food and drink, I enjoy grilling and having craft beers, being in the moment in the back yard, the whole package. A few days after, I continued to milk the bliss albeit a little less intense, but there were still great moments and manifestations [vibrational matches] and as the week progressed, I was able to avoid any contrast that came up,[law of polarity] and I'm still questioning whether I was trying to suppress or ignore the coming contrast, then lo and behold, almost a week later I am knocked completely out of my blissful state and smack dab in darkness, the opposite of where I was just a few days before. From an average person's perspective this may not seem so bad, especially if they live unconsciously, running on negative momentum from a vibrational standpoint, for a deliberate creator however, it can really knock you for a loop, especially when you're gaining positive momentum and staying there longer and longer. When your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are positive dominantly, it can feel devastating when you hit those lows, so what's going on here? well, it's more of an issue of balance, you see, each extreme has it's opposite, and we must experience them, as unpleasant as they feel, alignment isn't always about being in a constant state of blissful joy, nor is it being trapped in darkness or a living hell, something's got to give, a balance must be achieved between the dark and the light, or both will be experienced again and again, until a state of balance is dominant. We are human emotional beings, that think and feel, and when we discover that we can create our own reality we hold tightly to our positive emotions and try to suppress the negative ones, believing that if we just stay positive all of the time, we'll get our manifestations. This is a big misconception with reality creation, suppressing any negative energy will only hinder the manifestation or delay it, the reason is simple, when you suppress a negative emotion you're just giving it a free pass to show up again and again, however, if you are allowing the emotion to come through you, it can be released, of course this can be very uncomfortable because the negative emotion can sometimes be felt intensely, but it's the only way to release it, plus, it could have many layers, but this varies person to person and how much personal baggage they may have. Like everything else with my practice of deliberate creation, I had to learn this the hard way and in a backwards fashion, even now as I write this post I'm not in the best of moods, sure I've lightened up some since this morning, and writing always puts me in a better feeling place, but the Memorial Weekend bliss has gone, for now of course, it will come back. Mastering the arts of allowing and letting go requires one to embrace both the darkness and the light, it astounds me how afraid we are of our very OWN negative emotions, this is even more troubling when we discover law of attraction and creating our own reality, we think we need to walk around all the time in a utopian bliss ignoring all of our negative thoughts and the Universe will bring our goodies to us in perfect fashion. I was that very person a few years back, then I just got tired of these negative energies re-surfacing over and over wondering why it was happening, putting more and more energy and effort into feeling better while ignoring [suppressing] the negative energy [emotions] and sure enough, back they came. I just want to let the viewers know this one thing, I've been practicing reality creation persistently for five years now and I am by no means a perfect person and I know I don't have to be perfect to succeed in reality creation or life in general, none of us has to be, I'm not doing this hoping to become a spiritual Buddhist living in a temple, or a perfect enlightened monk of knowledge that lives on a remote mountain top, [no offense to either] I'm doing this to have a better life and to teach a few pointers to others, not the perfection seeking, follow the lead of others, and their spiritual path to succeed way, that's delusional thinking for me, but that's me, others may find enlightenment in their own way, on their own journey after all, this is a journey, and we'll never get it done and we'll never be ''perfect'' and that's just being human. Reality creation isn't about being perfect first, and then getting your stuff, reality creation is about the journey, not the destination, and along the way you get the good stuff, some of what you want and some even better than you wanted, and you don't have to be perfect to get it all, look no further than all the greatest gifts [material/non-material] that you've ever gotten in your life, were you perfect then?, even before discovering reality creation?

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