Friday, July 11, 2014


T.G.I. Friday!, I just came off of a mean bout of what I like to call extreme contrast this past week, it came out of nowhere and threw me off balance mentally and emotionally sending me into tailspin of negativity. Unfortunately this can delay my progress because I'll lose my momentum, add to that the guilt I'll feel just because I'm feeling bad in the first place, and so begins the downward spiral, or does it? I've been on this road many times in the past four years, and because I've reached a dominant focus on the positive vibrations, the extreme contrast is that much worse, resulting in a chemical imbalance in my body, mind, and emotions. As I've written before in past articles this is the ego mind fighting back and holding on for dear life, and so a few days ago I just threw my hands up and acknowledged ''okay ego, you win, I'm tired of fighting you!'' but then, things just eased up a little and I spent the greater part of the day just ''coasting'' emotionally. So what happened? It seems I've underestimated my higher self, and since my dominant focus IS feeling good the ego actually lost this round, despite how awful and dark this week felt. I won't mention the things that went on in my mind but I was in a very chaotic and confused place, my ego mind was blocking everything good, and the harder I tried to course correct, the harder it fought, another case of ''oh boy, going to have to surrender and ride this one out.'' I had to plunge into, and feel the total despair in it's full intensity so it could pass on it's own, to fight it was futile, and sleepless nights ensued until around 2 am Thursday morning as I awoke relieved and peaceful. Because of my lost momentum I had to re-focus in a whole new light, and send out the highest vibrations to put me back on track for the day ahead, and so I focused on my intentions but with newer, re-invigorated intense emotions, and because of being derailed emotionally I was feeling like giving up on desire altogether, almost to the point of cancelling them completely, going into the ''abandon all hope'' mode. We can't cancel our desires, our higher self is already experiencing them, and since we've put so much time and energy into them we've no choice but to make peace with them, that's why this is happening to me, the room must be made emotionally for the new experiences I wish to manifest, the de-cluttering of the old negative thinking gunk I have left in my vibrational resonance. The weird thing about all of this is that I was certain that I'd cleaned all this up until it blind sided me Monday morning, and it all started with a little contrast, so I now see how important it is how we deal with contrast, either it works for us or against us, we choose how we react to it and I'd forgotten that important lesson. Contrast is, as bad as it feels, the Universe asking for confirmation on what we really want, through getting what we really DON'T want, it is an opportunity in disguise! BACK ON TRACK!

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