Sunday, December 22, 2013


Greetings on this fine Sunday morning! I am by definition, an early riser, I like to be up before the dawn, it is the most peaceful time of day and luckily the most quiet. As a writer I find mornings fresh and full of inspiration and ideas and although inspiration can come at any given time, this time of day is my preference overall. As we are growing up we are labeled and being labeled continuously, society has glorified labels, media, advertising, our schools, work places, every thing and everyone has a label, and understandably it is necessary to some degree. But what about how we label ourselves?, do we think we are average?, ordinary?, powerless?, losers?, even worse, do we believe it true when others impose these beliefs on us?, how they see us?, well I bring good news to the table, this is limited thinking on every level! All too often we look into the mirror in judgement and right away put a lable on ourselves, ''I'm old'', or ''such a loser'' and worstly ''I'm a failure'', and without even a mutter out loud the subconscious mind agrees and reinforces it in our reality, and it's all because we've said it over and over until it's become implanted into our very being, and reality shows it to be true. This kind of thinking is so destructive, that it can literally block us from anything good that could happen to us, and that is understating things alot! We all are unique, born with greatness already within us, we all have a path and purpose, we ARE NOT meant to be poor, or limited, or unsuccessful by any means, as we label who we are we are getting back what we see in ourselves, by law of attraction, be it good or bad, ''WE'' choose what we are, nobody else. So many times in my life I've been told by my peers that I could never do this or be that, I just did'nt have greatness in me, and it was written all over me, even my body language cried out ''failure'', no wonder I felt like such a failure, I would tell myself ''yeah, they're all right, I am a failure''. Each time I said this I was crushing my spirit more and more, not anybody else, it was all my doing, what others told me was what I was thinking and feeling, mirrored back to me. Years and years of this went on, keeping me stuck in a deadly and vicious cycle, had I not come out of this, I probably would not be here writing this article, that's how damaging this way of thinking can and will be. Friends, we have to believe we are here for an individual, and unique purpose, we are not all the same, why would we label it that way, ''oh I'm no different than those struggling, I'm just another ordinary person trying to make ends meet, this is as good as it gets'' LABELED! When I see myself nowadays, the words GREATNESS, TALENTED, GIFTED, HEALTHY, GOOD LOOKING, BLESSED, AND SUCCESSFUL,because of all of this, and my inner being thrives inside of me, pointing me towards opportunities, miracles,and endless abundance, and I'm not speaking about money, this goes beyond paper with deceased presidents on it, no, this my friends is about who I really am, the true value I place is on me, not things outside of me, at first it was the outer things, and I love having the nice stuff, but none of the ''stuff'' has greater value than me. This was a hard lesson to learn on my path to awakening, but for true wealth to come into our lives we must recognize our true values, gifts, talents, and potentials, and ''THEN'' the money will naturally follow guaranteed,and any other way will just lead to unfulfillment and unhappiness, no matter how many things you aquire. As you are reading this, you are unique, you posess a talent no one else has, your purpose is to tap into, and to rise up and use this gift to live a happy and fulfilling life, it is YOUR purpose, you posess something nobody else has, and it contributes to a greater plan in this generation, a piece of the puzzle if you will, but you must first unlock the greatness that's within you, as you do so you will have a new label...VICTOR! Once you make a conscious decision to change the label on yourself, not only will your inner being have your back, law of attraction will bring about the circumstances you'll need to succeed, and a shift occurs within you in due time, then your outer reality will reflect your new label as you become unstoppable! I shall return!

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