Friday, July 19, 2013

Remember who you are!

Greetings reality creators, practitioneers, and students of the laws of attraction! A huge sigh of relief, sweeps over me today,this blogsite was down temporarily due to some updates for whatever reasons, so for the past few weeks I could'nt post any blogs, but now it looks as if the problem was rectified, and with that I apologize for the delays, but hey, now I'm chock full of inspired action to write even more helpful posts. These past few weeks have had their shares of ups and downs, {talk about contrast} and with no outlet{blogging} I had to ride out wave after wave of contrast, and contrast was in high gear, reminding me to gain more clarity and keep my eyes on the grand prize, the universe does this, so we can remain positively certain, that what we want IS truly what we want, contrast allows us to gain even more clarity to what we prefer, it's like the universe is ''double checking'' to make sure we are on the same page, sending contrast, {what we don't want}so we're more clear as to what we DO want, it's like a constant reminder, ''hey, remember that thing you want, you still want that right?'', the energy must keep flowing, if we get side tracked, or slip and lose focus, we need to recognize this as contrast, to regain clarity on our desires, even ramp them up if we can, these are lessons indeed, but even though they feel uncomfortable at best, they DO serve us in the end. Amazing is'nt it?, the universe is literally helping us every step of the way to give us what we want, we have the greatest support system at our fingertips, through lessons and learning we always get what we want when we are ready, and it is within this process, that we discover who we truly are, a limitless spirit, in a human body, through setbacks, through learning, through contrast, we are evolving towards this spirit, going full circle if you will, from which we came from in the first place!, pretty deep, yes?, I'll go even deeper, we ARE a spiritual being living a human experience, that is who we really are. You know it's crazy, living in western society and grasping these truths at the same time, it's a challenge to say the least, in a country conditioned with action and ''seeing is believing'', and even more challenging going against the grain
of society and it's teachings to work hard for everything. What a wake up call this has been these past three years, of course I'm nowhere near becoming the monk and heading to the mountain top, I'm just making some adjustments here and there, hey, I like having stuff, I like having fun,right here in these united states, and why not, this journey is supposed to be fun, having stuff and experiences is all a part of it, and that my friends is who we really are!     So much more to come, stay tuned!

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