Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A penny for your dreams

Greetings everyone! Since my last post I've had some spooky but cool little manifestations, and with Halloween getting close! Joking aside though, since this journey began I've been working and moving towards wealth consciousness, only recently unusual but amazing miracles are taking place and if some of you out there are practicing deliberate creation for a wealthy lifestyle you just may like these two posts!  Before I continue, we ALL are born with wealth consciousness ingrained in us, It's just as we grow we instill new beliefs about money, having to work hard for it, it's hard to get ahead, bills pile up as we become responsible adults, and that awful D-word that we love to hate. The great news is that we can undo them through reprogramming the subconscious mind via affirmations and creative visualization among other tecniques. It takes dedication and persistence to develop a wealth consciousness and some will not have the patience to succeed, but for those that do incredible things start to unfold, one of those things are happening to me, and that is the materialization of coins, I use to find them on the ground frequently, but now they just seem to appear in ways I cannot explain, I am also having regular dreams about finding coins  and picking them up. In my last post I mentioned what I believe are wish fulfillment dreams which could be another result of a growing wealth consciousness, in the next post I wish to dive deeper into wealth consciousness and share with you more of my own results as I develop an unlimited abundance mindset.    Stay tuned!

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