Tuesday, November 1, 2011

C'mon, is this really a great recession?

Good morning creators, I just finished an awesome walk on my favorite nature trail. It's funny, I get my best inspirations for these posts from this trail, but today I wanted to write about something that's nagging everybodys mind these days and what this hype is all about. I do not watch or pay much attention to the news, let's face it, it is mostly negative, it seems the fear doctrine is ingrained into our lives everywhere we turn, this bad, that bad, no wonder we're in such a mess, or so it seems, but I want to throw a new spin on this so-called ''great recession'' and call it out. First off, they have happened before, some worse, some not so worse, some long, some short, but almost everytime we pulled through them. But, what's so different about this one?, and why does it seem to linger on?, I am by no means influenced by or in politics, and even though politics seem to be involved, I believe there are other factors at play here. First let me say this is man made, we have become a society of consumers instead of creators, feeding on instant gratification rather than patient creating, we want it all now and most of the time we get it. For nearly three decades we have been spoiled by mass consumerism, technology has put everything at our fingertips, ''I too am guilty of this'' but
what I mean is we've lost touch of who we are and why we're here, we are so consumed with worry over
mortgages, bills and debt, and hyper stress, and this economy that we're missing the big message folks.
We've had it so good, prosperity, dream jobs, some nice toys, it seemed everybody was cashing in on the
economic real estate and housing boom, then the bubble popped! The domino effect had started, it was about to get ugly!. I was in the construction  industry for twenty some years when this hit, but I'm not going
into a sob story here, I learned something these past few years, everything is happening for a reason, and I
truly have sympathy for those trying to make ends meet in this tough time, that's the purpose of this post.
Now, the good side of the coin, sometimes, even in a good economy, we create chaos, we get over confident, we reach for our comfort zone and nothing else really matters, we get caught up in the ''everythings good'' attitude, we never seem to think about the worst scenario. Then  ''WHAM'' panic time! , and the media is all over it like white on rice. Alot of us, including myself, have rediscovered ourselves, back to basics, was all that important?, had this happened later than sooner folks, it would have been much, much worse,  as it pains me to say this it's good in a way and I feel this is a part of the new conciousness and awareness movement, for us to get to the good, we've got to pass through the bad. Sometimes we have it too good, so much we are losing touch with ourselves, and each other, we are all connected, whether something bad or good happens, it affects us all, this is humanity's wake up call, this is an awesome opportunity, and a very exciting time to be on this planet, never has there been, or will be, an era like this one!.
This beautiful planet has given so much to us, for too long we've abused and neglected it's natural recources and abundance, bieng consumers instead of creators. NOW is our chance to recognise and give back to our
planet and live our purpose, instead of  trying to fix our dying infrastructure, we should be planning and building a green infrastructure, helping the planet to help us. No, we're not in a great recession, we are in the midst of a massive new awareness, and it's only going to get even more exciting!!!

Until next time soon!

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