Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I'm on a roll here friends, knowledge and inspiration is just rushing in, I love to write and even more to have something interesting to write about, and this one's going to be interesting! This subject is with a question, are we now the most advanced than any other time in human history?, I mean looking back, man on the moon, smarter computers, smarter phones, the list of modern marvels goes on and on. As a society it's easy to assume we have reached a level of advancement that's far above anyone in human history, past and present. But what if I were to tell you that that's not an accurate assumption, that we are not the most advanced, even in this age of hyper technology! Allow me to indulge some of my newfound wisdom here, we are absolutely not, and we never were, there was another period in human history much more advanced, without technology, and as a matter of fact, this was thousands of years ago. While I'll admit we've made huge strides in the past century, we've been doing more damage than good, we need look no further and see the environmental impact we are having on the planet, wars, and the religions that have created them, poverty on historic levels, yet we feel we are more advanced than any other time since humans set foot on this planet. At one time, several thousand years ago there were more advanced civilizations than that of our own, that were more supreme and had way more knowledge than our greatest scientists and architects, doctors and scholors. This was known as the Golden Age on our planet, when consciousness was much, much higher and in harmony with earth and the cosmos, ancient Egypt, as well as the Mayan civilizations were very in tune with the cosmos, Using the earth's natural resources harmoniously instead of burning fossil fuels that damage the global environment. Since then, there has never been a time in human history where consciousness was at it's highest with the Universal intelligence, during this Golden Age, the civilized world was much smaller in population, however, there were no wars, it was an era of peace like no other, everyone had a divine connection and unity, the structures at this time were built for the purpose to connect everyone as a whole with higher consciousness, the cosmos, and divine intelligence, this instead of what mainstream historians teach us. The Great Pyramids of Egypt are a prime example, they were not built as tombs or even with slaves, and what about the others, Easter Island, Stonehenge?, I believe these all had a connection of some kind to higher consciousness. During this age, there was also a greater connection to nature and earth like no other time in human history, using earth's natural resources for greater good instead of greed, and power. It's no surprise however, that the Golden Age ended when humans chose a new and different path, religions came into the fore, creating wars, territorial and land disputes were aplenty, plagues and disease at staggering numbers, ushering in the Dark Age, and we all know how horrific it got then. What if everything we were taught about world history is inaccurate?, why wouldn't we be told how things really happened?, should we believe we, at this time in history, are far superior than past civilizations?, there's that veil again, hiding a truth we could use, from the ancient past, that has all of the answers and solutions! In the meantime, here we are repeating past mistakes from the past Dark Age, see the correlation here?, but this time around we're making sure we tip the scales and run off the cliff! There has already been a shift, a quickening if you will on earth for a change of course, but I often wonder what it will take for humanity to awaken, and start finding the correct solutions, the warnings will come, in speed, scope, and severity, but will that be enough? Whether we believe it or not, the Mayans knew this age would come, this new movement towards higher consciousness, December 21st, 2012, I have witnessed it myself. As deception is the norm in our modern society, it is of no surprise that the same could apply to our ancient past, instead of knowing the higher truth, humans base everything on what they see and hear, repeating history based on false assumptions, it's time to awaken to the higher truth, or face a modern day Dark Age, wisdom or fear, there is still hope!

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