Monday, June 10, 2013

A desire to inspire!

Greetings, and well being visitors, this is post number 63, and just a fraction of what's still to come, nonetheless, big changes are rearing their inspiring heads so to speak. For this writer, there has been a period of confusion, soul searching, and seeking answers to big questions, while in that confused state the answers could'nt find their way to me, so I had to get into a better feeling place, being on the border of my vortex getting in and out, and in and out, I decided to quit ''trying'' to get in my vortex and went towards a more natural  flow, or a neutral point if you will. At times I could elevate my emotions to a joyful state, only to drop back down to neutral again, something was just nagging at me, so i was looking for more things to focus on, it seemed focusing on the things I already have helped put me into a better emotional state, ''AH HA!'', I sometimes forget about appreciation, which is a powerful vibration, and can get you to a good feeling fast!  Two weeks ago I asked  my higher self a question, it regarded what my true purpose is ''now'', after wrestling with manifestation practices, and maintaining a state of allowing, I still felt I was missing that inspiration, even though I get inspired to write these posts, it can come and go, so I felt that I needed to maintain that flow of being inspired, and carry it home. Now that I was wanting to be ''more inspired'', source energy picked up on that intent, and brought me my answer, it was a very direct answer that I just could'nt miss. Of course the answer was always there, but at the time I did'nt see it, but it ''did'' manifest in the form of a miracle, in a way I could have never imagined! I am, as of now, in a big transitional period of change, since I've moved to this beautiful place there have been moments where I got scared, and a lot of why's would surface, but after I calmed down and reflected how lucky I was to get what I wanted, more things made sense, and I just needed to stop fighting it. Now I'm inspired more than ever, and I'm learning something amazing here, as well as important that applies to us all, and I wish to share it with you, readers. Do what you love, whatever it is, do it, I'm not saying quit your jobs now or make such drastic change
when there is a mortgage and bills to pay, but take time to ask yourself, ''what do I love to do?, what would I rather be doing right now?''  when the answer comes you will ''feel'' it, in that way, you have asked, you may not realize it but the universe is picking up on it, here's the best part, the universe ''wants'' you to do what you love, it wants you to live your  passion, and even better, to make uber amounts of money doing so. We as humans are designed to do this, to lead, not follow, to contribute to the greater good, to make the world better one person at a time, ever notice how the wealthiest of the wealthiest give to charities and organizations that help the needy?, that's one example, others are mentors, life coaches, I could go on, but the thing is these people are doing what they love, helping humanity, and getting very rich doing it. Doing what you love, with passion puts you in a vibration that attracts amazing rewards, and wealth is one of them, the kind of wealth that is'nt just about money, but the kind of wealth that can only be described as prosperity and abundance, well being, and great quality of life, not the ''greedy, needy'' wealth that so many are plaqued by. At first, in my own journey, it was all about the money, I had the notion that if I could just manifest the money, all problems would be solved, looking back, that ''was'' not the case. I had to take money out of the equation, put it aside, and focus on my inspiration, lo and behold the response from source, ''now we're getting somewhere Douglas!'' Now, after three years, it all makes sense, all the hiccups, the frustrations, trials, as well as errors, all lessons, all to learn from to grow.  Now that I'm inspired, I want to spread it all over, to share and help others become inspired, to send the message to do what you love, don't worry about the money, it ''will'' follow, when you are doing what you enjoy and love, the money does'nt become an issue because you will attract it like a magnet! In this time your higher self takes the wheel, everything just falls into place, your only job is to continue to be inspired, living your passion with joy, and I guarantee you everything you want, ''everything'' will be pulled right towards you effortlessly! I encourage you readers to take the time to ask your selves what lights your fires of passion,?, look within, it's already in you, you need not go far to find it, and inside is the greatest rewards you could ever reap!   Go get some!

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