Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I AM...that i am

Well being fellow creators!, with wisdom growing, on the last posting I mentioned that on this post I would be covering the phrasing ''I am'' in deliberate creation. At the very beginning of this writer's spiritual journey, I used this phrase, for example, ''I am perfect health, I am wealthy, I am connected to source energy'' and etc. At that time those affirmations were just automatic, although they made me feel good I had no idea just how powerful they were, until I stumbled upon Wayne Dyer's wishes fulfilled that aired on public broadcasting a few months back, since then I've seen it three times, and Wayne Dyer explained it in such a way it clicked for me, since then the power of ''I am'' has been a huge part of my life, I live this phrase!, it's in my everyday vocabulary. All too often, we use words like ''I can't, I don't, I won't, I would'nt or I should'nt'', when we say these things we are depleting our power to create the things we want, it was a hard habit for me to break, but eventually I've trained my mind to use the words ''I am'' in every situation I come across, either good or bad, when I feel out of allignment, I remind myself who I truly am, when I'm already feeling good ''I am'' is even more powerful, it's win ,win folks!  Whatever you are trying to create you should place ''I am'' in front of it, with this statement, you are affirming you have it now, you feel it is already yours, of course like everything in deliberate creation, it takes practice, you will need to say this so often that  you begin to understand and believe it's already yours, because it is, and the more you use ''I am'', the more powerful it becomes
to bring your new reality towards you. I cannot stress this enough, if you are using any of the phrases above that dis-empower, change them ASAP to ''I am'', my latest is ''I am limitless'', but if you are new to this phrase, start with your greatest assets, your talents, blessings or gratitudes, this phrase can go a long way and once it becomes your mantra, it empowers you in ways you could never imagine. I do recommend Wayne Dyer's books, Wishes fulfilled and The power of intention, which will give you a more in depth idea of this very powerful affirmation that puts us in present thinking regarding intention and desire, this is indeed the ultimate mantra for creation! So try it out, it will resonate soon enough, then the external changes will match the ''I am's'', and you'll be unstoppable!     BACK SOON!

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