Sunday, August 12, 2012

''I Adore Me''

I'm back fellow creators, I'll admit that I  got real excited about doing this post,  this topic came a little late in this blogsite, it belongs in the archives, nonetheless, it's an important part of the creation process that I should've  posted a long time ago, but I wish to write about it because it has changed this creator's life tenfold. There's no avoiding it, when we rise in the morning, the first thing we see is ourselves in the mirror, we greet ourself and judge how we are looking, most will stare a breif moment, then go about the morning ritual of preparation for work, or whatever else is on the agenda. Some, will look in the mirror long enough to see the imperfections like ''wow, I could stand to lose some weight'', or ''I'm loosing hair'', or worse, ''I hate what I see, I wish I looked better'', even worse, ''I'm getting old!'' When I was undergoing depression some time ago, I would look in the mirror, and see a fit, decent looking middle aged man, but from there I would look past that and start picking it apart, just looking for imperfection after imperfection, the self talk was even worse. The world I lived in was'nt perfect, so I was'nt perfect, I just managed, went through the motions, but self love?, was  nowhere to be found. I had it all jumbled, all the things messed up on the outside, reflected how I felt on the inside, but the truth was, without me realizing it, was the things messed up on the inside, were manifesting on the outside, over and over, a vicious circle indeed!. When the concious decision was made for better change, the first thing that happened was I felt better about what I was doing, after that it came natural, a little to a little more, I began to feel better about who I was, I got  a little more confident, and over time it just grew. I LOVE ME, I love who I am, and where I'm going, in these past months, I've learned to accept WHO I am, that I am unique, creative, as well as a creator, blessed in all areas of life, and each time I recognize this, it gets better and better, I became it , it empowered  me, and here's something to remember, I use the power of ''I AM'' before affirming the words of self love and appreciation. Some of the time we think that improvement must be made on the outside before we can feel good about ourselves,
and it's good to do these things because it makes us feel good, but the real rewards come from the inner transformation towards loving oneself,  when done we see more of ourselves than what the outside shows, we go deeper and discover how great and unique we are, and that true happiness comes from within, then self love follows. .I have found, on a personal level, that since I  love ME whole hearted, other people treat me with total respect, no matter when or where I go, as long as I am self loving, I am a magnet to other self loving people, which brings about positive circumstances, like the old adage, love oneself, others will love us as well, and, it's a great attractor to the opposite sex! '' BONUS!''  We are powerful beings, when we take back our unlimited power, and recognize who we are, that we are unique and loved, we begin to love ourselves unconditional, as source sees us, when the source connection is growing, self love is expanding, from this place comes unlimited potential!     Love and blessings!

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