Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Going with the nature flow part 2

Welcome back everyone, on my last post I wrote about the importance of recognizing and connecting with nature. Just this past weekend I visited a place very special to me, although it is in the city, it has an amazing vibe to it, I have visited this place numerous times in the past nine months and something always happens every time. When we recognize the natural beauty and the abundance, no matter where we are, it puts us in a state of gratitude, which then attracts more to see and be grateful for. Here is an example, while at this place, I like to connect with the birds, a while later, I will start to see and pick up several different colors of feathers. Another amazing thing that happens is I  will think of a butterfly, no specific kind, but any butterfly and voila!, one will show up. I think part of the journey to become a deliberate creator should be practiced by hiking the mountains and nature trails and appreciating REAL abundance the way nature intended it. We all want the best of everything life has to offer, a big house, a nice car, but to get things like these the easiest way, we have to appreciate what we always seem to miss, nature and its abundance. Whether you live in the city or countryside, go and marvel at the birds, plants, and creatures, with appreciation and gratitude!

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