Friday, August 28, 2015


Good Friday everyone, I'm just pulling myself out of a temporary slump, I had a nasty bout of lingering resistance that surfaced on Tuesday and although I'm still feeling the remnants of it, there's just enough inspiration and self taught lessons to write a new post so here goes! A few posts ago I got a little personal and discussed where I was energetically, and how I felt at the time,[captain of my ship] and with the said post I held nothing back nor do I regret writing about my own personal experiences, some may interpret that I'm coming from a delusional or egotistical point of view as well as my approach with conscious creation, but I assure that this is not the case. I did however, open a personal can of worms as I found myself challenged by the very beliefs I discussed regarding that post [captain of my ship] and not long after [some days later] I had come up against those very beliefs, I don't view this as a test [there are no lessons or tests] but I do believe it was something that I ''created'' myself to gain and allow more clarity as to what truths or beliefs I've chosen, and how they would serve me, and if this isn't making any sense allow me to illustrate it further, I was visiting television Monday morning while having coffee, and during the program I was watching, there was this message, or so I thought, that struck me, of course it struck the wrong chord in my relaxed and stable energy, sending me into a bout of anger! First off, it might have been nothing, but it did nonetheless affect my positive energy, as it didn't resonate with my current vibration, which at the time was bordering on good to great! Was the Universe trying to tell me something or set me straight?, my mind went on a tangent for maybe a half an hour, but I stood my vibrational ground and resumed to feeling good. but the message stayed in my energy field as I kept questioning myself was this some kind of message?, was I doing something wrong that I needed to know about? The next day [Tuesday] I began searching the web for the meaning to this message but instead found MANY different meanings from different people's perspectives, confusion and desperation began to set in, so I extended my search for answers on law of attraction blogs and web sites, and you can only guess where my energy was and where I was headed, no satisfying answers, just more confusion, and when answers would appear they made me feel worse, and more worse feelings were what I was attracting. Law of attraction in action! Three days! three days of questioning everything I'd learned in the past five years because of one stupid message that [so I thought] was a ''sign'' from the Universe, and even worse, ALMOST believing others points of views and perspectives, about what was right or wrong, what to do or not to do, regarding this message, and I was mistakenly tying it in with conscious creation. [didn't I just write a post about that?] I now had a choice, MY truth or somebody else's truth?, now it was time for me to ''back up'' my own truth but not without a 72 hour bout of ugly resistance, lesson learned! From time to time I'll visit other personal development/law of attraction blogs to gain inspiration and insights, maybe learn a thing or two to help me out with self mastery, after all, this is how I've learned everything law of attraction for the past five years. The problem however, is that I've reached that point where looking for answers outside of myself only leads to more confusion, and what resonated with me before may not resonate with me now, nobody can teach me something that I can't teach myself, through my OWN personal experience, by deciding for myself, what works or what doesn't work, or what truths or beliefs I have regarding my personal life and reality creation. It simply won't serve me to continue on a ''quest'' for answers outside of myself, from anyone else for that matter, because conscious creation is a ''personal'' journey each and every one of us must ''experience'' ourselves as there is no ONE truth, there is only our OWN truth, and we get back what truths we believe in. As of now I'll no longer visit other law of attraction/personal development blog sites, not because they are wrong or they don't know the truth, because they are RIGHT, and they DO know the truth, but it's THEIR truth, not mine, and I stand by my own truths, and what my preferences are, in my own way, I choose my OWN methods and not the methods of others. The self learned lesson for me was not a lesson at all, but an opportunity to reflect and gain clarity of my own truths, with the willingness to back them up, which meant to stop searching for other truths held by other people's beliefs or perspectives, and develop and understand my own truth, so I can live a life ''authentically'' by my own design. Maybe there comes a time when we develop into our own personal truths, instead of following others and their own personal views of truth, we all have free will, wouldn't our own personal and chosen truths also apply? as for that message I saw? it's irrelevant to this deliberate creator!

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