Saturday, August 29, 2015


Good morning world! this blog site, since it's inception, has been all about my personal experience in the practice of deliberate creation, although in the past, there were subjects that related to the laws of attraction and there were some subjects that would be a little off-topic, this subject is one of them. Or is it? law of attraction IS always in operation such as, is gravity, and while I'm tempted to steer clear of the subject of L.O.A. with this post, you the reader, will still understand that everything ties together with this Universal law. Higher self KNOWS no fear, fear to me, is a ''man made'' concept, and while I don't claim to be an expert on the subject of fear, I've experienced it enough firsthand to know it's true nature and it's effect in every aspect of our lives, that might make me an expert, you decide. I've let go of a lot of things internally, but I must admit that fear still lingers in my subconscious mind, but it's safe for me to say that it HAS lost a lot of it's momentum in my energy. Whether this is true or not, fear may be the hardest emotion to let go of, on top of that, if you've succeeded in letting go of a majority of your limited beliefs, fear may try to cling on the longest. Do not underestimate fear, and dare I say that it can have a lot of longevity and momentum behind it, as well as endurance, and if a person has spent the best part of their life locked in fearful thinking, letting go of it can be a painstaking experience. Fear is not real, it's simply an illusion, I mean how can we fear something that doesn't even exist, or hasn't happened yet? why are we in so much fear of fear, we're afraid of other people, we're afraid of the future and uncertainty, we're even afraid of our own minds, where did all of this fear come from? I'm no historian or psychologist when it comes to the nature of fear and it's very beginnings, but as written above I've ''lived'' it firsthand and I'm waking up to it's deceptions and I can safely say that we weren't born with it. No, it was conditioned into our belief systems from parents, [no fault of theirs] because even our own parents were conditioned before us with fear and limited beliefs so naturally those fears and beliefs were handed down to us, our parents felt that they were protecting us from the ''real world'' and they only meant well. Then there are the fears we adopt as we mature, growing up we are exposed to others points of view and become influenced by them, schools teach us that we need to work hard to get ahead in life and nothing good is accomplished without a proper education [fear of failure] comes to mind with this conditioning as we've all witnessed the pressures to learn and succeed when it comes to the education system, which in all truth, is deteriorating. Then there's the corporate media, [news and talk shows] spreading gloom and negativity world-wide, and what about organized religion?, which preaches the gospel of fear in the disguise of finding salvation [comply or be damned for eternity] as they too use the doctrines of fear for their own agendas. [greed] As long as fear resides in consciousness it will spread like a disease, but everything has a cure, and letting go of fear IS that cure! As consciousness awakens more and more humans will discover what fear truly is and always has been, illusion, and there are forces out there that will continue to propagate fear, creating senseless wars and economic distress, look no further than 2008 which could easily have been avoided. We can't rely on society let alone the system to solve the problems that create fear, we and we alone, must conquer fear one individual at a time in order to progress towards a more desirable future, this will get very interesting indeed!

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