Monday, August 31, 2015


POOF! ''I am the Genie from all of man's greatest desires, what is your grandest wish?'' [average Joe]''um, okay, let me see, oh yeah, ONE MILLION DOLLARS!'' [Genie]''Done, but before I grant such a wish, you must be certain of this desire, WHY is it you desire this ONE MILLION DOLLARS?'' [average Joe]''uh, duh! Because I don't have it'' [Genie]''Search deeper into your heart my friend'' [average Joe]''Well, it would make my problems go away as well as make my life a HELL of a lot easier, I could do whatever I wanted'' [Genie]''still you must search yet deeper my friend so that I might grant you such a desire'' [average Joe]''okay, okay already! I just WANT TO BE HAPPY'' [Genie]''your wish of happiness is now granted my friend'' [Now back to reality] When I discovered I could create my reality five years ago, little did I know that there would be a long and arduous path of discovering, uncovering, and releasing limited beliefs and the resistance behind them. Right out of the gate I'd thought I knew what it was that I truly wanted, of course over time this was not the case, my desires have changed [some fine tuned or tweaked] during the course of dissolving my resistance, and what I thought I wanted five years ago is different than what I want now, why?, because back then my desires weren't coming from a ''resistance free'' kind of knowing [vibration] energy, instead, they were coming from a delusional ''lacking'' [vibration] energy instead. All desires would be better launched from a place of alignment first [non-resistant] but how can we discover any resistance to anything if we don't launch intentions from a place of resistance [lack] in the first place? It seems like a backwards approach, but that's how it all began with me, and there have been some serious modifications over the past five years regarding my intentions and desires. Let's take home this example, average Joe has lived a personal life of struggle, a friend introduces him to this book on personal development [how to achieve wealth with the law of attraction] after reading a few chapters, average Joe becomes excited and sets his intention, he decides he'll use the L.O.A. to win the state lottery jackpot. Without going further into reading the book given to him, he's pretty sure he's got this law of attraction thing nailed just by reading those few chapters, so he figures that if he focuses hard enough on winning that jackpot, he'll easily take home the win. Weeks pass and nothing, Joe focuses harder, a few more weeks and nothing, Joe keeps trying even harder still, building up his resistance further, until finally he picks up the book again and reads a few more chapters, hence the cycle repeats, frustrated, Joe finally decides to read the whole book, upon completing the book Joe has a whole new different perspective on how law of attraction really works, he no longer desires to win the lottery, although he possibly could if he wanted to with the L.O.A. [it's been done] but instead, he decides to go deep into the essence of what he truly desires, and pursue his own passions by discovering his true self expression, thus, allowing the wealth to follow. Joe discovered that it wasn't about the thing [money/wealth] that he wanted, but more about the FEELINGS he wanted to experience, happiness! The expensive car, the dream house, the passive income, all understandable where desire comes from, but getting to the very root of it all? Happiness! It becomes a ''self-taught'' lesson from our authentic selves, that what we ''think'' we want isn't actually what we want, ponder on this my friends.

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