Monday, August 24, 2015


Life is all about choices, and as cliché as this sounds, we all have free will and we create our reality every second! I may keep pushing the repeat program here, but I want to drive home this ONE important truth, we are all in control when it comes to what we want to experience, whether it be a desire to have something physical [material] a certain person to enter our life [soul mate] or even a dream job [bigger income] or rewarding career, we get to decide what it is that will make us happy, that's our job. But do we really know what we really want? or does our mind ''think'' IT knows what we really want? If we are stuck in undesirable circumstances we're unhappy with and desperate to escape from, would this kind of desperate mindset allow a solution to present itself? put another way, could we come from a place of pure focus and clarity when experiencing an undesirable reality/circumstance? If you are broke and you want more money what's the first thing you would focus on? having more money of course, but the real question is where is your focus coming from? the answer is simple, it's coming from not having the money and wanting ''more'' money, therefor you're ''trying'' to come up with a solution, or taking some kind of uninspired action through struggled effort, to get more money. With the latter approach that I've just written of, you would be led by the wounded mind's solution, and it's fear of a future ''unwanted'' outcome, which will only assure that desperate actions [with resistance] are taken, instead of inspired actions. [non-resistance] With much due respect, we are such control freaks, [guilty here] we want so much to micro-manage every detail of everything, especially when we learn about and practice reality creation, in fact, when we know that we can create our own reality we'll try to control this whole process of manifestation, but with this approach we are sabotaging all of our efforts, that should be effortless. For the past six months I've been undergoing a very successful letting go phase, but something was still kinking my garden hose [flow] and this morning I discovered that although I'd successfully let go of the ''how's'' of my intentions, I was still ''making plans'' around them, and while expectation is a good energy to bring about a desired reality, planning around it meant I was still harboring attachments to the outcome, something I thought I'd already let go of, but obviously hadn't. As subtle as this energy was, it was something that needed to be cleaned up/dissolved, and when it surfaced my ''mind'' rushed into defense mode, and bam! there was that resistance sure enough, clinging in that hidden crack for dear life! As I write this post the residual resistance is dissolving now, but not without coming to a crossroad, in one direction I could try and micro-manage the manifestation process ''ever so gently'' by making plans around my intentions or, I would have ''no plans'' or ''no expectations'' and TRUST that Universal intelligence KNOWS the quickest and easiest way to manifest my ''biggest'' intentions without me caring or worrying about ''how'' they come about. Should I choose the latter, I would be open to manifestations ''exceeding'' my expectations, while choosing the former would mean falling short, this is because manifesting through ''forced effort'' bears uninspired, limited, and exhausting results. Take this scenario for example, you have a favorite five star restaurant you've been going to for years, the food, wine, and service there is nothing short of phenomenal, and each time you ate there the experience was beyond your expectations, so when you would place your order with the waiter, did you worry about how the meal would taste? or how long it would take for your meal to arrive? of course not, you trust this five star restaurant and it's staff, they've never disappointed! And what about your desires? do you have that same level of trust? you will in time, of course your mind will chime in with thoughts of impatience, logical, and rational thinking, wanting to play a part in the unfolding process just to ''make sure'' you're doing your part to ''make'' it happen. It may not be possible to know what we truly want yet, we may have an idea, but when we are in dire circumstances we want to change, we're not always in alignment with what we truly want at the deepest level, so we're only ''thinking'' that what we want is the best solution instead of ''feeling'' what we want, so the mind will want to take all the credit for ''fixing'' a problem, be it through struggle or uninspired actions. I'll be the first to admit that there is no need to figure everything out, it's better to enjoy the journey [unfolding] and just make peace with what is, releasing all of the resistance should undoubtedly come first and then, THEN focus on what is wanted, from there comes more focus and clarity, and you may discover that what you THOUGHT you wanted before [money] was just the by-product of something much bigger [freedom/independence] as the mind wouldn't be involved this time around, the true desire is from your heart. Oh and real important here, make peace with what you don't want [resistance] this way you're coming from a place of relaxation, and you can only attract what you want. I've been experiencing amazing manifestations every day while being in a relaxed and allowing place, and with the exception of this one hang-up this morning, I'm still coming from a place of non-resistance, even more now that I've dropped all my plans and expectations regarding my biggest [ordinary actually] intentions. Yes, life comes down to choices, and with conscious creation WE have a choice, the hard way or the easy way? the mind or the heart? it's a no brainer, literally!

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