Thursday, August 6, 2015

''EXPERIENCE'' is knowledge

The above title quote's something Albert Einstein said as it applies to each and every one of us. No person's experience is the same, drawing comparisons to other's experiences and trying to learn from them is not the way to personal growth, people do this all too often in today's society, trying to be/become someone/something they are not, instead of being original and authentic. At first approach with law of attraction I researched and followed other's teachings and examples because I was new and vulnerable, hungry for knowledge I bought into the hype of The Secret, thinking that to succeed with all this manifesting stuff you were just required to think hard about what you wanted and ''poof!'' there's your stuff. Researching further it became more evident that it WAS'NT as easy as I'd hoped it to be, but I pressed on, researching, applying, researching, applying more, and the more I'd learn the harder I would try, whenever there were small victories something else would surface to overcome, this would continue for a few years despite the fact I hadn't realized it then, or else I would've given up at the start. But I never gave up, it seems there is no going back when you amass this kind of knowledge, I mean there were countless times I recall throwing in the bloody towel, but something always helped me back up to win another fight. Becoming the creator of your preferred reality may be the hardest thing to master, it was for me, yet it's the only thing I haven't given up on despite many of my lifetime failures, everything else in my life prior to this I'd always given up on, before this transformation I would live in a self-defeating, self-fulfilled prophecy, ''woe is me'' negative world, creating my own reality of misery and suffering, only to discover later that I was one hundred percent responsible for all of it. I had it all backwards early on discovering this universal law, thinking that all the great teachers in The Secret made it all look so easy, so I thought it would be easy for me too, but it was easy for them once they'd been through the worst, and it will get easier for all of us if we stay the course, willing to fail many times, but never give up. I've never purchased anything online as far as law of attraction/personal development courses, I've never hired a self help coach or went on spiritual retreats, I don't practice meditation, I haven't converted to Christianity or religion, I've done all of this on my own, my own way, not anybody else's way. Yes, I'll admit this seems the hard way, but the harder the experience, the greater the reward, as slow and steady WILL win the race, along with persistence and perseverance. I try to avoid being ''preachy'' when writing these posts [there's enough of that out there already] and there's also a fine line when telling someone ''how'' they ''should'' practice deliberate creation, and when I blog about this subject I have to often remind myself that everyone's experience is different, and my only job is to inspire, not preach the gospel. If you've been doing this awhile you're probably relating to this post, but if you're new to all of this do not be discouraged, after all it's a journey, and getting rid of all the mental gunk can be very uncomfortable at times, but the rewards are staggering to say the least, look no further than Thomas Edison, he failed thousands of times, [you won't fail even close to that I promise] but in the end we have a luxury known as electricity. My whole life has made me who I am now, I have NO regrets, everything bad and good has molded me into the person I am, and who I CHOOSE to be, and it's all from my own personal life experiences, not from learning what somebody else's experience or ideas about life are, we're leaders, not followers, what experience will you choose?

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