Saturday, February 27, 2016


Getting what you desire [intention] can be done in two ways, the easy way or the hard way and unfortunately, most, are simply doing everything the hard way, following the robotic herd mentality that anything really worth having must be earned through blood, sweat, and sacrifice. We ARE finally waking up and discovering our own personal power, we're discovering that there's a whole lot more to life than being a hamster on a wheel as cliché as it sounds. I have personally released a crap load of limited beliefs and most were instilled early in my youth through television/media, school, and religion, buying into the ideas that if others were believing these things, naturally so should I, I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to ridicule me for going against the grain of society right? But going against the grain I am, I've rediscovered my uniqueness and oddness and if you look at my profile you'd think that I look like the average run of the mill, Caucasian middle aged Joe, but average I'm not, the cover of the book doesn't tell the whole story. As I'm obviously still a work in progress I'm embracing my long lived rebellious side in a whole new way, I've grown weary of living my life by the rules of society, almost gone are the ideas that I am not in control, that life happens TO me, [victim mentality] but now life happens FOR me, almost gone are the ideas that I am at the mercy of a higher power, [religious based ideas] when instead, I am a co-creator of my very own reality with my authentic self, and completely gone are the ideas that I have to work hard to get anything I want [status quo/herd mentality] when simply sending out energy that's a vibrational match to what I want will allow it to manifest into my physical reality, with ease! No wonder why I dropped out of school, nothing resonated with me, I mean who would I be if I graduated and went on to college? I didn't need it, I've been unemployed for almost five years now and yet here I am, writing this blog telling you how much better my life has improved, and continues to further improve. What it all boils down to is this, elementary, middle, or high school didn't teach me ANYTHING about reality creation, certainly no day job gave me the much needed skills or experience to master conscious creation, and Sunday school didn't teach me how to rejoice and harness my own true power, and finally, the news or media wasn't covering reality creation exclusively so that I could watch daily, take back my power, and learn to become fearless, no, they were too busy spreading fear! I discovered reality creation at a low point in my life when I'd had enough of lack and limitation, somehow I just knew I deserved better and when I made the conscious decision to take back my power I've noticed all of the old and tired systematic ideas dissolving away, they simply hinder the better things I want in life. I'm blasting through the brick-walled box of limitation and breaking the chains that no longer bind me on the way out!

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