Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Words backed with feeling are very powerful, what we say is what we attract, think of how many times we've all uttered those famous words ''I just knew this would happen'' when an undesirable circumstance occurred and while writing this post, I simply cannot stress enough, how vital it is to be very careful of what we are saying out loud to OURSELVES, especially when we're feeling those negative emotions. This can also be true when we are feeling really good and saying [declaring] our intentions out loud, again, when our spoken words are backed with belief and powerful conviction/emotion, we are sending out energies that can often yield instant manifestations, whether it's good or bad. As we make great shifts in changing beliefs we will become more aware of what we are thinking and feeling, but this goes even a step further should we choose to give our spoken words more power behind our intentions, so instead of declaring what's not wanted we'll begin to declare what IS wanted. Since I've become more aware of my thoughts and focus mostly on alignment I've been declaring my intentions to myself more in an outspoken manner, I simply speak them into existence and the results are almost instantaneous and it's amazing how fast the Universe responds to my intentions when they are spoken aloud and backed with belief, I just cannot emphasize how powerful this really is! All too often we'll use our own words against ourselves sabotaging our greatest efforts towards getting what we REALLY want, I mean look no further than these familiar sentences in today's society...''how much worse can things get?'' or ''why does this ALWAYS happen to me?'' or the disempowering ''I just knew I couldn't do it'' All of these words we say have strong emotions behind them, so the unwavering Universal law validates those very things we are not only feeling, but saying to ourselves out loud, reflecting that very reality back to us by matching these feelings/words with more undesired situations and circumstances. Words are powerful, they are designed this way because our words are always backed by our thoughts and emotions, so again what we are feeling and saying we are attracting and dare I say, much faster mind you! So how can we leverage the Universal laws by using the spoken word to our own benefit? First and foremost we must change our belief system to one that's aligned towards what we want or the wrong words will just keep coming out, secondly, we'll need to become more aware of what we are thinking predominately, so that when we DO speak, we are coming more from a place of total belief and alignment, instead of a place of fear/doubt and misalignment. As we progress more towards becoming deliberate creators we'll gain the confidence to not only think thoughts that are aligned to our intentions, but also the ability to ''speak'' them into existence as well, this is true co-creation, to declare the desire/intention out loud with total conviction and unwavering belief allowing a much swifter manifestation, go forth and co-create!

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