Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you may be, thank you for stopping by as I hope this post resonates well with those of you on your quest to becoming a true conscious creator. Despite what the status quo believes, creating your desired realty is all about ''being'' and not all about ''doing'' and doing first is a backward approach because actions are almost always taken out of desperation or out of attachment to a certain outcome. [need to control] All changes must occur inside first or else all actions that are taken come from a place of worry and fear. [avoiding an unwanted outcome] The work that's required to be successful in creating your reality must always be done from the inside first, there is no other way around this, you cannot fool, lie, or manipulate yourself [Universe/higher self] into getting what you want, you must face yourself and everything within you that's holding you back from getting what you want and it will take more courage than you are used to as you will have to face all your fears and anxieties head on, so that you can release them. The manifestation of your desires can only happen when nothing is standing in their way which means that you must finally reach that state of mind where your chosen reality is a ''done deal'' despite what your current physical reality is telling you, you'll need to be relaxed, patient, and expectant of your chosen reality to manifest at the proper timing and be okay with it however it happens, allowing a much smoother transition. Almost six years it has taken me to reach this state of being [relaxed expectation] but honestly I still get nervous and anxious from time to time after all, I am still new to this and I'm just NOW beginning a new phase on this journey so it's normal to feel a little scared or nervous when things are shifting. Taking comfort in all of this is the fact that the higher you knows exactly what you want and serves you in every way to make sure you get it, really, and when you accept and internalize this truth you'll wonder why you ever doubted it in the first place! I wrote a few articles ago about my being in a vibrational ''limbo'' when it came to being between my current reality and my chosen preferred reality, at this stage a lot of confusion can set in but ever so important is to not waiver and find relief as often as possible because it can feel like a test of faith at times and get very overwhelming to say the least. It is beneficial to re-focus after all the barriers have been broken down, now you have the opportunity to focus your intentions without resistance and more clarity, it's quite possible you may tweak or even change your intentions due to this increased clarity which allows a quicker manifestation. My own intentions [desires] haven't changed much over the course of the past six years, what has changed however is my perspective on how the manifestation process works so instead of trying to force physically or use too much focused effort I'm understanding that the manifestation process is more about ''allowing'' which means being in a state of relaxed awareness and positive expectation. Another thing that's improved regarding my intentions is that I don't feel too much ''need'' for them as I did in the beginning, they feel more ordinary as in no different than anything else but I'll admit that sometimes I still get a little worked up about my intentions, but this is desire and we are human after all so I'm a firm believer that the joy of existence is always having something to look forward to, our constant launching of new desires and the need for expansion. Crossing the threshold into being a conscious creator means there is no going back but this is by choice on your part, I mean why would you want to? You are now able to create the reality of YOUR choosing, you now get to live life by YOUR terms, creating your chosen reality is effortless and without struggle, you'll see, as well as understand, that you WOULD'NT want it any other way, this is what you have to look forward to when you cross the threshold to being a conscious creator, getting everything you want!

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