Hello, welcome to Extreme Mind Makeover, this blog is about my personal journey becoming a deliberate creator, thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Good morning, the game of life is unfinished business, you will always launch new intentions/desires/preferences as long as you live and breathe, some will be simple, small, and easy as to allow their manifestation, an example would be something in affect as ''I think I'll have a blue berry muffin with my latte today'' and of course your intention is realized when you stop into Starbucks on your morning commute, simple and done. It's a whole different story however, when you decide to enter uncharted waters and launch something big or life changing in your reality, this is especially true when you have baggage or hang-ups [limited beliefs] around your ''life changing'' desire, and until you ''clean up'' your issues [energy] around that life changing desire, it simply cannot be realized in your physical reality. I've said it before, to have what you want you must be an exact match to it, meaning that you must already ''own it'' even though it's nowhere to be seen in your physical reality. What conscious creation really is, is deciding what you want or prefer, and simply forgetting about it [letting go] and getting on with life as source energy itself takes care of the manifestation in it's own timing. It doesn't end there, you are always launching desires and sometimes unaware, you prefer a good parking spot and suddenly one opens up, you have a special craving for chocolate cake and your neighbor shows up with a neighborly gift, you think about a certain person and suddenly they call, these things happen all the time. It's the game changers that we have a hard time manifesting in our reality, we want them so bad we are attached, and attachment = resistance. Nothing you perceive ''big'' can occur in your reality until you clean it up, and even when that something is allowed to manifest it won't be long until you'll want something else, and when something else ''big'' manifests in your life you'll become more confident and you won't choose to play small anymore, but know this, no matter what manifests in your life you will always desire more and you will always have to clean up your energy to some extent around it, of course it does get easier with time. Another thing is trust, once you launch your intentions you must trust life energy to handle ALL the details, to make this much easier to understand life energy is already handling the details of your own life as you read this post, either you are getting what you want or you are getting what you don't want, and whatever you don't want life energy is bringing that to you as well, you don't use life energy at your own convenience, it's ALWAYS in motion and ALWAYS in operation, it just is, so it is imperative that you are always focused on what you DO want. Friends, we'll never get this done so there's no need to try, a means to an end will only create another means to an end, it's better to embrace the journey and not worry about the destination, ride on brothers and sisters!
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