Sunday, December 13, 2015


Happy Holidays everyone, hope all is well and you are creating the life you deserve. My days are literally riddled with physical manifestations, and while this may sound like a really great thing it is, to some degree, yes, we CAN manifest anything we desire and at the early stages of practicing conscious creation we will ''build up'' our manifesting [allowing] skills. It usually starts with smaller things due to our current belief system, but as our beliefs begin to shift and align to bigger things we begin to see evidence that alignment is occurring and the manifestation of those bigger things become imminent. It feels good when you are manifesting more of what you want on a regular basis, you no longer ''get it'' at the intellectual level, you ''know it'' at your very being, and this is when dramatic shifts begin to occur and your trust grows with the process of manifestation thus allowing a more confident and relaxed approach with conscious creation. There comes a time when the ability to manifest physical things [material] becomes almost effortless, so much so, that after some time all those physical manifestations could become boring [ordinary] and at some point you'd become more interested with aligning to a more ''broader'' perspective, what I mean by this is aligning to the broader ''you'' which also aligns you to everything you want. Most material desires such as money, houses, careers, and expensive cars are valid when it comes to desire, but they are merely ''by-products'' of what we truly want, let me indulge you a little, the desire for more money [by-product] the broader perspective [freedom and security] the dream house [by-product] the broader perspective [joy of ownership, security] career [by-product] the broader perspective [passion, doing what you love and enjoy] expensive car [by-product] the broader perspective [reliability, luxury, freedom to go anywhere] it's not the ''things'' you want but the ''feeling'' you want that those things give you instead, you're not after the material thing, you're after the feeling that it brings you. We're not looking to align to the thing, we're looking to align to the feeling, this is because when you are trying to align to the ''thing'' you'll more than likely offer resistance to it, which hinders it's manifestation into your physical reality. Some things will come very easily regarding manifestation/allowing, others may require aligning to a broader perspective and it's usually the much bigger ''game changers'' like big career moves or finding soul mates, even winning a lottery. You must ask yourself why you want what you want, what's the REAL reason you want this thing, the WHY is very critical in the creation process as well as the manifestation process. This is why some things don't manifest too quickly, this is because the buffer of time serves us to gain more clarity through the contrast, and align to what we ''truly'' want, that feeling BEHIND the thing, that REASON we really want it, not just the physical thing itself. There comes a time when we may no longer become excited when it comes to desire, it begins to feel more like an ''ordinary'' and natural process and the funny part is, that's what is required for effortless manifestation, no big deal = no attachment = allowing/manifestation. At the current time I'm enjoying my physical manifestations, but I will admit that I'm feeling less excited about them as they are beginning to feel more normal to me, this is simply progression with conscious creation as the broader you sees everything in this manner, it sees creation and manifestation as an effortless process, and as you align to that part of the ''broader'' you, naturally you'll see creation and manifestation from that same perspective, as being an ordinary and effortless natural part of life. HAPPY MANIFESTING!

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