Monday, April 20, 2015


Good Monday viewers, chances are if you've stumbled upon this blog site it is no accident, you're here for a reason, but to be honest this is far from being nearly as big page view-wise as any personal development blog or website or anything viewed on you tube, also this blog site cannot be found on facebook or twitter, and yet it has reached many globally. One could base their success on how many page views they receive on their web or blog site, I am not that person, I aim for quality content, how many viewers reading my posts doesn't matter to me, it's more about the impact they have on the few that do, numbers don't matter here, if only a handful of viewers gain some truth, understanding, and insight from these posts, I'm very happy with that, even more if I can change someone's life. Now to our topic, everywhere I go all I see are people plugged in, engaged in their wireless devices, playing games, texting, social networking, it's as if technology has taken a front seat in society and nothing else matters. I am not going to go off on a rant in this post, but because of my increasing awareness I'm witnessing something that's pulling us further and further away from who we really are and hey, I'll admit that technology has made some great strides in these modern times, I mean I couldn't post these very articles if it weren't for computers and the internet! But let's look at the broader picture here, people have become so emotionally attached to their wireless devices like a drug addict is to heroin, social media has made it easier to talk to another person without having any interaction with them, is this healthy?, what's worse is how distracted and unaware people can become which can be dangerous in some cases, a classic example is texting while driving [I live in a big city where this is all too common] and when I go to any public place where there is waiting involved, almost every individual I see is deeply engaged in their smart phone or wireless device. Is it me or are we leaning more towards technology and moving further away from nature?, drive by any school zone around noon and look at the kids with their smart phones during their lunch breaks, look what kids are doing at home sitting around playing video games, eating junk food and killing zombies, when I was a kid I climbed trees and swam in rivers, I was ALWAYS outside, I'm still out there today! but let's get back on the topic here, are we becoming mindless brainwashed robots to technology?, could we actually live and function as a society without these things?, and where will all of this lead? I've written in earlier posts that there would be planetary changes that will occur, especially if we continue to ignore our place and purpose on this earth, we are consuming more rather than nurturing our only home, instead of beholding nature and the wonderful gifts it brings us, we hold on to our wireless devices, games, and social networks. I personally have no smartphone or wireless device, not because I believe they are wrong, [everything in moderation] but because I'm more attuned to myself inside, and yes I enjoy watching You Tube occasionally, mainly music and concerts, on the laptop, along with creating these posts, but I enjoy more of the things technology can't give me, hiking, quiet time and nature walks, [physically] hanging out with friends, the best socially good times! Nothing physical lasts forever, and this applies to technology and the system that has created it, and the more dependent we become relying on technology to move us forward, we may find ourselves moving away from what's important, becoming consumers instead of nurturers, then nature itself could remind us we're heading in the wrong direction with catastrophic results, because the planet itself is ushering in a healing phase, so changes in consciousness as well as the environment will certainly occur. We can't lose touch of who we really are as a species as well as consciousness as a whole, sure, technology will, in some cases, move us forward, I can't argue with that, look at green technology, that's something I would love to see more of in this country, and less dependency on fossil fuel. Now the question is how far will the system go?, even more so how much longer can it sustain itself?, and how does technology play out in all of this?, we can only wait and see, but in the meantime unplug and take a nature walk!

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