Hello, welcome to Extreme Mind Makeover, this blog is about my personal journey becoming a deliberate creator, thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Prisoners of the mind
Good morning, I'm sure most of you viewing this post are familiar with the Duncan Donut restaurant slogan, ''America runs on Duncan'' and that's the idea of this post, except I'm going for the brutal truth with my own slogan, ''America runs on fear'' Most would be afraid to accept or even admit this truth, and even more are in a constant state of denial, but deny all we want, most of us are controlled by our minds, not the positive empowered mind, but the fearful lacking mind. Through the years our neurons have stored a lot of experiences and beliefs through the influence of others and childhood conditioning, as well as religion and schools, and most of these beliefs don't serve us, we are living unconsciously creating the same circumstances over and over, and without a conscious decision to change that, we allow our fearful lack based thinking to run our lives. I've lived most of my life this way and believe me it goes beyond self-destructive patterns here, living life unconsciously allows a constant flow of unwanted manifestations which result in a negative vicious cycle that can go on for years, and what's far worse is the impact on your health and well being. Why are so many sick and constantly ill? look no further than what they are thinking and fearing consistently, they are always listening to their fearful mind and buying in to it's false truths, which, in time, have become ingrained into their subconscious mind [wounded ego] resulting in living their lives by default, due to their conditioned, habitual negative thinking patterns which manifests in their outer reality. It's crucial to remember that what's happening on the inside, happens on the outside, there is no way to escape this, what we are thinking and believing is what we will continue to get and not just in one area of our reality, all of them, relationships, jobs, finances, and health are all affected by what we are thinking and believing, you're either moving with the stream or you're fighting it, it's that simple! So how do we deal with our wounded mind?, how do we make it work with us instead of against us?, we can't fight it, what we resist will persist, and if you're trying to eliminate the negative mind it will just push back even harder, you won't win that battle, especially if you've spent decades feeding fears, lies, and limited beliefs to your subconscious mind. I could write a whole other post about this subject and I will, but to put this in the most simple terms, you have to make the conscious decision that you're no longer going to buy into the fears and falsehoods of your wounded ego mind, sounds simple enough, so I even thought, but that's when things get REALLY shaken up because your old beliefs will hang on for dear life, and that old mind will play every trick in the book to sabotage your efforts, and out of fear you'll be tempted to cave in and fall back into the old negative cycle again, I'm talking from experience here. This ''detox'' period can vary, but things smooth out really well when you've gained control of your mind, meaning that when it goes into panic mode you allow it to do so, this way you are witnessing it rather than acting on it out of fear. A side note here, DO NOT SUPRESS IT! if the wounded mind throws a tantrum just allow it, laugh at it, DO NOT buy into and act upon it's fears, like I mentioned above your wounded mind will scream like a spoiled child demanding your attention, let it have it's tantrum and eventually over time it will ease and release it's hold on you, and this allows you to reprogram your subconscious mind in a way that will serve you better meaning faster and easier positive manifestations. When we go big, as in wanting to make huge positive changes, there are two ways we can accomplish this, the hard way [ego] or the easy way [master within] and it's our choice, should we choose the easy route it won't be easy at first, we must adopt new beliefs meaning that we must first shed the old limited beliefs, this is where the real inner work begins, it's also where the wounded ego mind resists the positive changes you wish to make, be it better relationships, more money, better health, the wounded ego will do everything it can to convince you that these things are just not possible for you, it'll make excuses why these things can't happen, it'll scare you from jumping out of your ''comfort'' zone, and you know what? it's all false thinking, none of it is real, fear is just an illusion, we base all our fears and failures from past experiences only to re-create them over and over again. I personally don't believe in getting rid of the ego, it's there for a reason, it serves us in the form of desires, the problem is that it's never satisfied, and that's okay because after we manifest what we want we'll just want something else, and so on and so on until we finally decide to let go of ego's desires and allow the master within to take over and through co-creation manifest from that perspective, which is contribution rather than self-consumption. I want to write more on this subject as I gain more control over my mind, as of now I'm working on operating in the stream, and yes my wounded mind pops in for a tantrum once in a while, but I'm learning to let the baby cry itself to sleep, the fears have dissolved over time, I'm not taking life so serious nowadays and I'm definitely not buying into my mind's fears and succumbing to it's requests. Free yourself from your mind and you will free your wounded mind, parole granted!
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