Sunday, April 5, 2015


Happy Easter Sunday viewers! It's been quite some time since my last post and for good reason, since I've been back in Arizona there's been a lot of unresolved issues popping up here and there, needless to say a lot of chaos has been going on around me. Despite the chaos, I've somehow managed to keep it all together albeit a few minor meltdowns, I've kept strong within, trying hard not to cave in on unwanted circumstances. Life can get in the way, sidetracking our greatest efforts to create the life we want, I'm no perfect person by any means, but in the last few months I've really been challenged on a vibrational level, getting drawn and influenced by unwanted circumstances as well as people, resulting in heavy bouts of isolation, as well as reflection. With all of this came much more clarity, aiding me further to what it is I really want, hence, new desires have been launched. As wanting physical things are understandable with conscious creation, there will also be matters of what our higher selves want, but let me emphasize this, there are no outside forces controlling us, we MAKE our own destiny, we write our own script in our own life, we choose! Our higher self IS us, it is the non physical part of ourselves, but it is us! This is why we don't always know what we really want, we just THINK we know what will make us happy, take for example cars, houses, vast wealth, the only reason we want these things is because we ''think'' they'll make us happy and here's the funny part, our higher selves are already happy and waiting for us to align, but we decide we won't be happy until we get what we want, unfortunately, this approach is futile. There's such a paradox here, when we don't care about the things we want, we already have them, or vice versa, we're aligned to them. There's more to this though, we're really not aligned to all those things we want, we're aligned with our non physical selves, the part of ''US'' that gets everything we want with the least amount of effort, or even better, everything we desire falls into our laps! People get so confused by this, I was too at a time, I thought forces beyond my control were deciding for me, telling me what I ''should'' be doing or where I ''should'' be going, but this kind of thinking is dis-empowering and leads to confusion and discouragement. We and we alone, including our non-physical selves, are in charge, our physical self makes a conscious decision, and our non-physical self goes to work on it, providing of course, we get out of our own way by not interfering, which is aligning and KNOWING it's already done. But what about life, circumstances, and people?, those unwanted things that keep popping up causing us to focus on and create more of?, yes I know, life gets in the way, but there's a word for this, faith, and I'm not using faith in the religious term here, no, instead I use this word in terms of trusting in Universal laws, they are ALWAYS at work, as gravity is, and whether we are conscious of these Universal laws or not, they are always at work. If you drop a melon from atop the Sears Tower in downtown Chicago, you trust it will hit the ground right?, the same applies to Universal law, what you think and feel, you get back, good or bad. If your dominant focus is feeling good, you'll get back more things to help you feel good, a positive cycle, and if your dominant focus is feeling rotten, you'll get back more things as well as circumstances and people, to aid you in feeling rotten, this is known as the vicious cycle, which puts most at risk of poor health, resulting in bad habits and choices, and in the end, an early grave! It's important to understand Universal laws and leverage them in our favor, there are no teacher's pets here, we are one hundred percent responsible for everything that happens to us, consciously or unconsciously! What we think we become, our non-physical self is neutral, it knows no worry, sadness, pain, struggle, sickness, poverty or lack, it has everything it needs in every ''now'' moment, it ''needs'' nothing because it ''has'' everything, it is our physical selves that experiences these unwanted things through our perception, forming beliefs based on what we see, and validating them creating an unwanted reality. As we align with our higher self, we see things through our higher self, our perception shifts, we begin to understand a higher truth, that anything is possible, we allow higher self to handle all the details, pointing downstream we live life to the fullest, having fun, while higher self continues to bring us inspired actions that move us towards the things we want, with perks! Once you begin to see everything through the eyes of source energy [higher self] you are living in the vortex alignment, and all of your desires are contained within this vortex, you literally begin to draw them into your reality as a magnet draws objects to itself. Summing it all up, aim for alignment with the higher self, our stuff is already in escrow, we'll get it anyway because source energy ''already'' has our back, alignment first, everything else in perfect time, no more waiting!

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