Friday, September 27, 2013


Good Friday everyone! I'ts been awhile since my last post, inspiration had faded out a little but thank you source energy for bringing it back, and it's back in the form of, well, let's just say I'm going to throw a little rant, albeit on the positive side. Lately I've had some very interesting people approach me out of the blue, I believe law of attraction will bring those to us as of like vibrations, and even more to show us there is something we need to learn in the process of growth. These people that I've encountered lately have mostly been the elderly, and while young I never paid much attention, let alone care about the elderly, now that is all changing, and now that I'm approaching fifty years young soon, I'm learning a great deal about the baby boomer, after all, I'm a ''border boomer'' myself! Now the rant part, it's unfair how society treats our elderly, most are living on small and fixed incomes, they've worked hard all their lives only to instead of enjoying their golden years, they have to continue to work to survive, their pensions have been stolen, and they are almost outcasted from society, we would'nt enjoy the freedoms and live the lives we lead if it were'nt for the elderly, and the healthcare for them, I don't even want to go there! They fought wars for us and our veterans are not getting the help they richly deserve, instead they are given perscription drugs with terrible side-effects, and some even end up homeless. I've spoken to many in the past few years, and there are two kinds, those that are angry and bitter, [who can blame them] and those that are just damn happy no matter what, lately it's been the latter, polite, optimistic, and interesting to talk to, I could share and learn wisdom with them for hours! But now where do the elderly fit in with the new age?, the new awareness?, I believe the boomers of today are more important than ever, we need their experience and wisdom, they've seen and learned alot during their lifetimes, and we can learn something from them. The boomers of today are facing challenges, and while they do exist, it's good to age gracefully, to allow wisdom to settle in, and be full of compassion towards everyone, although it can be frustrating keeping up with rapid changes in our society, and even worse the policies that don't help our elderly with the healthcare they need, I've encountered seniors who, despite all these challenges, have a zest for life, who are very positive and have more drive and energy than those half their age, who refuse to let age slow them down! How interesting they are!, I feed off of this kind of energy, and even though I still have some of my wild youth traits, I also like the things our elders have to say, and I'm learning from it, there is a connection I'm beginning to see and feel, and I'll take all the wisdom I can get, because even though things have changed over the years, alot of seniors are embracing their spiritual side, and these are the most happiest and successful I've ever met,here we have mentors and role models all around us, yet we fail to notice them, instead we look to the rich and famous and pop culture as role models, totally unaware that all the advice and knowledge and wisdom we'll ever need is always readily available to us if we want it, and that comes from our elderly. The Native Americans knew this, always consulting their chiefs and elders on any decision or advice, it was their wisdom and spirituality that guided their tribes through the worst of times, and the best of times, all decisions were made by the elders, even other ancient cultures believed this. Ranting aside, this is the age of changes, but also the age of the boomers, and the ways of aging are changing, ''getting old'' is'nt fitting into the new ways of thinking, while aging gracefully and gaining wisdom fits much better. For myself, I'm not afraid of aging, I've changed my perception of aging and embrace the wisdom and knowledge that will come with it, the second half of my life is the greatest part of my journey, and it has many experiences and rewards, I hold no fear to growing old, as I'm growing wiser and keeping my youth. So a shout out to our elderly, they deserve much more than we could ever imagine, and there is a purpose for everything, we need not look far for wisdom and advice, it's all around us, so smile, open a door, and greet them with respect, you might learn something!

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