Hello, welcome to Extreme Mind Makeover, this blog is about my personal journey becoming a deliberate creator, thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Conscious creation is a lifestyle, not something we can ''use'' at our own convenience, the reason is obvious, the Universal laws are always in operation and we are always creating our reality/experience by what we think and how we feel, by the way good morning and well being to you all. I'm a very rational minded person, ever since I've discovered the Universal law of attraction almost six years ago, I've tried many times to wrap my mind around how these laws actually operate, how I could make them work for me the quickest way possible, and get what I wanted in the easiest manner with little to no effort. This IS a process and trying to connect the dots before you reach your destination is a futile approach, no, only when you've already reached your goal will you be able to see how everything came together as well as understand why it all fell into place the way it actually did. At the stage I am in now, I'm getting a better understanding of how things work and my mind is beginning to wrap around the concept of reality creation but only on MY part, not on the part of Universal intelligence, what I mean is that it's only my job to maintain my alignment and be constantly aware of what I am thinking and feeling, I need to place my dominant focus on what I want and avoid focusing on anything unwanted, this has become a no brainer for me and second nature so I'm developing into a person who no longer has to make the ''effort'' to always focus on the positive to maintain alignment, it naturally happens on auto-pilot and the next phase is effortless creation. You see, most of our lives we run on auto-pilot and we are always creating our own realities, it's just that we're running on the wrong auto-pilot, the negative side of it, you know the stress and worries and the constant struggle to ''avoid'' future outcomes that more than likely won't even happen? We get what we constantly think about, because what we constantly think about we form a belief around, after the belief is formed we begin to ''expect'' a certain outcome, we get what we expect and unfortunately most people are expecting the worst to happen. The good news is that we can ''ALWAYS'' turn things around, we have the personal power to mold our world any way we choose, we are the creators! My personal experience these past few weeks is as follows, I've undergone some more ''releasing'' and it came with some heavy bouts of contrast, last week it got pretty nasty but after things settled I came out on the other side shifting some beliefs, an added bonus is I've learned to appreciate the contrast like never before and use it as an opportunity to shift my focus on where I prefer to go energetically, this one experience alone has yielded amazing and powerful results, I'm learning that contrast is a powerful way to communicate to the universe what our strongest desires are, and contrast serves us to gain much more clarity, yes it feels bad but it really IS helping us get what we want, it really is! I'm also getting the gist of the role of contrast and how it ties in with shifting beliefs, but trying to explain this is difficult at this time. There were times during the past six months where I'd think that I've cleaned up my energy and shifted some major beliefs only to discover I hadn't due to more contrast showing up and blind siding me, demanding more clarity, I've discovered that the best route to take during these times was to allow it to be what it is [contrast/resistance] and just try and reach for the feeling of relief whenever possible, to fight the old ideas and limited beliefs would have given them more power to stick around even longer so I had to be gentle with myself during this difficulty. It is important to understand that once we decide that we really want something there is no going back, we will have to face ''ourselves'' and do all the necessary clearing to allow ourselves to physically possess what it is that we truly want, whatever it is, we have already expanded into it, it's already done and we cannot avoid it, we will have to clear a path of least resistance to receive what we want, the stronger the desire, the more contrast, the more contrast, the stronger the desire, [as long as we don't give up] the stronger the desire, the more added clarity, the process continues until the resistance is dissolved [limited beliefs] then we can allow what we want to come into our physical reality. It could be that I'm repeating what I've already written so many times, but repetition is key for success with reality creation and let me just close this post by bringing this one message home to roost, we create our reality and we can have ANYTHING we want if we want it badly enough, the catch is we cannot want something badly while believing we will never have it, we must want it badly enough knowing that we ''WILL'' have it beyond belief, and be willing to stay the course on the path to manifestation despite the contrast and resistance and never giving up no matter how ugly it gets, in the end we will win and that's guaranteed!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
That's all fear is, a lonely damaged ego that fears the worst, but there is no worst, because fear doesn't exist. A better way to explain this is akin to your worst feared scenarios, did all those things actually happen? Why are you afraid of something that will most likely not happen? We create our reality, and somehow I know that there is someone out there that will stumble across my blog site that is very afraid and confused, too much has happened and the end of the rope is occurring, there is just no longer any hope. But there is hope you see because you are an authentic being, you have passion, you have purpose, just bear with me here, WHO YOU ARE is much more than you could ever imagine and connecting to that version of you is more simple than you think, so let's get it rolling! First, who do you love? Second, what do you love? Third, what do you love to do? and fourth, where do you want to go? see? It's easy, so before you give up take some time to be with yourself and rediscover your authentic self and let that part of YOU lead you towards your passions! You see, passion is what drives us so stop giving up and re-stoke your fire of passion! I know it's in there so what are you waiting for?
Saturday, April 23, 2016
As we continue to expand, our minds will increasingly hunger for wisdom on how reality creation really works, the mind will want to get in on the action and even attempt to take full control in the cockpit of creating our reality, that ego swells every time a manifested result occurs and begins to think that it and it alone, is responsible for all the good stuff coming our way. It isn't long though, before the mind is contemplating the next thrill ride to manifest, it's just never satisfied, it continues to want more and more. I've adopted an attitude to appreciate more of what I already have than what I still want and don't yet have, there are days however, when I just want and want but I am human and I forgive myself for this. I believe it's great to have desires, but I also believe it's equally important for us to GIVE ourselves permission to want what we want as well as HAVE what we want, this seems to be a much humbler approach and will not give too much power over to the ego during the manifestation process. Realty creation is a life long process/journey, I don't think our minds will ever be able to wrap themselves around the concepts of conscious creation and although they WILL try, our minds simply weren't designed to understand let alone, comprehend how it all works. The confusion can get overwhelming, almost to the brink of obsession and insanity, seeking answers too soon only bears frustration and even failure eventually, giving up on all things reality creation and living a life of struggle and constant suffering. We have to understand our place in the grand scheme of things and accept that we are not always in control, that is to a certain extent, we are in control of our thoughts and emotions and therefor that determines our reality, how it all unfolds however, isn't up to us and that's a good thing and as hard as it would be to admit to ourselves, we're just not truly ready for a lot of the things we THINK we want, the idea that we think we are ready only comes from the mind and not the broader self. When we are not getting what we want it is only the mind that makes this observation, we are ALWAYS getting what we want, it's just that we are getting everything unaware and so sporadically that we're not taking the time to notice that every wish, every desire is ALWAYS granted, a lot of the things we ask for and receive go under the radar, we are wise in so many areas of our lives, [jobs, spouse, raising kids] and yet when it comes to our own selves, our own needs and desires, and how we create our own realities, we either have no time for it or we are ignorant/unaware of how life truly works, I was that person myself and I'm still not perfect and I don't expect to be. Wisdom isn't about how smart we are, it isn't about attending and graduating from Harvard or Yale universities, wisdom isn't about how long we've worked at a job and how well we are at doing it, wisdom isn't about how hard we've worked all our lives to accumulate a billion dollar industry, wisdom is about life experience, even more so, being a conscious creator embarking on the journey to be the creator of your own reality and gaining more wisdom along the way, isn't that how it's all meant to be?
Good morning and well being all, a lengthy hiatus it's been since the last post and for good reason, life circumstances outside of reality creation. To explain in detail I've been doing some much needed upgrades on the house and the biggest task was just completed [draining and refilling a 10,000 gallon swimming pool] which done all by myself, was both draining physically and emotionally. Most people hire professionals to drain and clean their pools, I took on the whole task myself and I had a certain amount of time to complete the task, it was not easy as the pool had been dirty for well over three years and green with algae, there was no choice but to drain before the hot months ahead to avoid mosquito outbreak with the Zika virus threat. A lot of reflection has occurred since this task was completed, it took me a whole week to finish including refilling the pool and as I mentioned above, the job had taken a toll on me emotionally and physically but I am proud of the accomplishment and I rewarded myself graciously by drinking copious amounts of beer and swimming all day including a pool party that went well into the evening with guests swarming in for a swim. It seems like I spend a lot of time focusing on a better more desirable reality, so much so, that I'm neglecting the one I'm actually in, I know that we can't live in two realities at once, the contrast is just too much! So what can one do when they've grown tired of their current reality and are more than eager to quantum jump into their much more desired, preferred reality? We can't neglect our current reality no matter how unbearable it can be after all, how are we to know where we're going if we aren't where we are? Everything happens for a reason and we create those reasons, we ARE the creators of our realities and again I'll admit that contrast is a very necessary part of our existence here in the physical plane. There are days when I'm grateful and content with everything in my life now, then there are days when I just get sick and tired of my current reality and long deeply for better circumstances, this usually occurs when I become bored or go into a lethargic state of mind. As crazy as this would come off, I'm grateful that that perfect reality I sometimes fantasize about, I'm glad it doesn't happen too fast because if it did I really wouldn't be ready for it no matter how much I insist that I am. We are in constant contact with ourselves, [who are you talking to when you're talking to yourself?] so when we want something, it isn't always up to us when we get it, there is a very good reason for this, our broader self just knows better. Every wish [desire/intention] is granted and taken into considerable account by broader self, from it's own perspective and not ours, that is, until we come to see it from the broader perspective as higher self does, then the ball is rolling. In the past few months I've contended heavily with my confused mind and I've had many sleepless nights to boot, add to this the extreme bouts of contrast and constant longing for something better mixed with days of just being okay with my current reality, conscious creation is a damn rollercoaster coupled with mood swings, anxiety, and confusion, it can seem like things are getting worse instead of better, all hell's breaking loose! There's good news amidst all of this ''inner chaos'' we experience while trying to create our much more preferred desired reality, it's all inside and thankfully not outside and why?, that buffer of time that we creators will come to know and appreciate, that buffer of time that thankfully allows us to course correct inside, before we begin to create the chaos and confusion outside, we don't want that. That rational mind of ours wants to figure all of this out, when confusion and inner chaos sets in that mind wants answers and it wants them now but unfortunately the mind is not designed to figure out reality creation and how it works, part two of this post will explain this further.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Good evening viewers, after a lengthy hiatus I'm back to create a new post and boy has it been a very interesting past few weeks. Lately, I've been undergoing somewhat of an extended lethargic stage, I've had almost zero motivation and that not give a crap about anything attitude these past few weeks, what's odd about all of this is I've still managed to maintain a fairly positive attitude amidst the boredom of everything but a few things. It's funny with reality creation, when we get dominant with our positive thinking and all of the sudden we slip into a negative thought we'll assume that we must rectify the negative immediately to bring things back into balance, negative people don't like positive thinking, positive people don't like negative thinking, but what happens when you're riding a big wave of bliss and maintaining that blissful feeling for days or even weeks?, then, out of the blue, something rattles your blissful foundation and before you know it you're feeling down, even slightly depressed, apathetic, lethargic, or even bored with everything in general. Now you just want to hurry up and get back to your blissful state of mind but for some reason you just can't get back there so you begin to feel let down, almost to the point of feeling like a failure and yet you have improved your overall vibration so you won't allow yourself to spiral downward into depression, instead, you just lose interest with vibrational molding and conscious creation altogether, you seem to just develop the overall attitude of ''screw all of this'' and at least try to go general. This has been me for the past few weeks and although inspiration was still looking for a crack to squeeze through I just couldn't get my body to move into action, heck, there were some bouts of explosive anger even thrown in for good measure a few times and thankfully I have developed the ability to shift my focus when the shit is headed towards the fan! What have I learned?, well for starters maintaining a blissful state for too long will lead us to the opposite side of it, why?, because after some time a balance must occur, everything has it's opposite and I'm speaking strictly from the emotional point of view, not from the physical reality point of view, and thank god we manifest our emotions first, so that we can course correct when necessary towards the things we want instead of what we don't want. When being deliberate in positive thoughts dominantly, we'll tend to be afraid of our own negative thoughts even more than before, so much so, we'll be quick to reach for the better feeling thoughts as soon as we possibly can, but it may not always work so we'll have to sit with those undesirable thoughts and the feelings they trigger for awhile, for myself these past few weeks, I could be thinking positive thoughts and still be feeling off kilter energetically, no matter how positive my thinking was. This is all part of the process and sooner or later, once in a while, you'll just lose the excitement around your desires and life in general, no, I'm not discouraging anyone here because you WILL eventually manifest your own desires and intentions, it's just that holding your excitement around anything for too long will bring about it's polar opposite but ONLY at the emotional/vibrational level. Let's dig deeper here, the less you care about something the more neutral you are about it, you have to ask yourself, is it really necessary to be in a blissful state of mind 24/7?, can we be?, should we be? Reality works in a way that balances itself out, if you're angry long enough eventually something will come along and make you laugh, if you're sad long enough then something, or someone, will come along and cheer you up eventually, and if you're ''fairies and rainbows'' happy for a long period of time, eventually something or somebody is going to piss you off, all emotionally, no end of the world scenarios here, all things must just balance out. When we've made great strides in maintaining our positive vibes for long periods of time and then out of the blue we get derailed emotionally we'll beat the living crap out of ourselves when we can't maintain our bliss, we can't do that. A true conscious creator will know that they are still prone to negative thoughts and feelings and learn to accept and not judge them, they will understand the natural order of things and how physical reality truly works as well as the role that balance plays, true successful reality creation [intention/manifestation] comes from a neutral and balanced state, the less you care the easier and more effortlessly things can manifest.
Life gives us everything we desire, the funny thing is the less we desire it the easier it can come to us, this does not mean we shouldn't desire anything, it also doesn't mean we want it any less, of course we want something and we DO deserve it and life energy knows this, it's just that life energy IS neutral and so must WE be, to become aligned with what we want, I'm far from done here.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
I wish to take some time to thank all of you, out there, who follow this blog site, when I began blogging in October 2011 I didn't think I'd still be blogging to this day, well, maybe, but who knows, yet here I still am, blogging! I've been really busy lately, [that life getting in the way thing] but I've recharged my batteries and I've got a whole lot of stuff to get out, [self expression] and some really good writing is in the pipeline. I am a writer by self expression but the thing is I don't want to write about what everyone else is writing about, there is too much stuff out there all things self development, it's just too confusing, why can't we develop ourselves in our own way and at our own pace? There are no set rules here friends when it comes to life and reality creation, just set it [desire] and forget it [let go] and follow your joy. This is an underground blog site, it is not mainstream because I am not a mainstream type of person, there's too much of that out there already in the blog sphere and like I mentioned above, it just creates a lot of confusion. I've thought about expanding my blog site to a full on web site but it's already doing what it needs to do on it's own, so why work when I can enjoy, [meaning do what I enjoy while expressing myself] as of now I've been re-inspired, so more amazing articles are looming! I am beyond grateful for all of you for following and stopping by so stay [tuned] viewed, I'm just scratching the surface.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Good morning, thank you all for popping in for a view, this is just one of many blog sites on the topic of conscious creation but let me assure you that there are none quite like this one, what I do here is draw everything from personal experience and if I've learned something it's paid forward to you the viewers, who happen to stop by and as well, interested in the subject of deliberate creation and wish to implement it into your/their own lives. It's very important to understand that no one person's way of learning about and practicing reality creation are the same, this is because we all have different preferences, intents, and desires, this is not a one size fits all practice, each individual journey is different and that is why we must navigate this journey our own way, finding our niche, and try hard not to follow anyone else's advice on how we ''should'' practice conscious creation, this IS a personal journey. Okay, that aside, let's delve into my topic about thoughts, thoughts alone do very little by themselves and we have far too many to keep track of on a daily basis, thoughts with focus however tend to attract more of the same, more matching thoughts, so the longer the thought the more the focus, now emotions come in, the longer the thought and the more focus behind the thought the more the emotions begin to come into play, the more often those thoughts with focus and emotions are revisited the more belief and perceptions/expectations are formed around them, then your physical reality begins to mirror these beliefs and perceptions back to you via circumstances wanted or unwanted. That was long! A belief as we all know is just a repeated thought over a long period of time, everything in reality creation begins with a thought so it is critical that our dominant thoughts are geared towards what is preferred instead of what is not. In my own experience I'm learning to be very vigilant with my thoughts and at first it can seem like a big task monitoring your ''thousands'' of daily thoughts, thankfully though, we don't need to do this, a random worrisome thought here and there isn't anything to fret about as far as creating our reality goes as it is our DOMINANT thoughts that are creating our reality, or better understood, our emotions behind those dominant thoughts. Here's the kicker, if our dominant thoughts are negative our real life experience will reflect those thoughts through people and circumstances until we change our thinking and focus more towards the positive, then we can begin to see more positive experiences but it is important that we change our perception of how things really work and that will require shifting our beliefs so that we are dominantly thinking in an aligned state. It's quite opposite with most in society and most unfortunate as well that people are too quick to judge when something goes wrong and defend as well as justify their victim mentality, through their own perception and their dominant negative thinking they are always expectant of the worst case scenario and that's exactly what they get, they are unaware that they alone create their reality so where does that leave their perception?, towards the negative of course, they THINK and assume before they perceive and base their lives on outside circumstances, they are creating their reality by default. Changing our perception is changing our beliefs or vise-versa, when we know beyond belief that we and ONLY we are responsible for creating our reality our perception begins to shift as well as our thinking, add to that
our increasing awareness which will be vital in helping us to focus on thoughts that are more geared towards our preferred reality, believe it or not this is how we are all meant to live, deliberately, we're supposed to always get what we want, that's why we are here, to be conscious creators, it is our BIRTHRIGHT! All ideas stem from thought, desires, intentions, they all begin with a thought, we are creating our realities every second and most are unaware of this truth and they wonder why everything is always going wrong in their lives, if they would just perceive things differently towards the preferred, just a little bit, they would notice some improvement. Our dominant thoughts play a major role in how we create our reality, what we are thinking we are feeling, what we are feeling we are believing, and what we are believing we are expecting, and finally what we are expecting we are getting, being diligent with our thinking is vital in reality creation, at first we'll want to be dominantly focused on what we want, after some time when beliefs and perceptions are shifting, our dominant focus/thoughts will lean more towards positive expectation, meaning that what we desire has already come to pass despite what physical reality is telling us, this is where our train of thought must be dominantly to allow physical manifestation.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Creating our own reality at the conscious level is simple in theory but getting into a space where we create effortlessly is a whole different paradigm, much mental discipline will be required on our part as the mind plays a major role when it comes to our emotional output. This rational mind of ours [left brain] will always be a part of us and we must accept that our rational thinking mind will always be a player in this game of life so we must learn to control it and this does not mean resisting it, the rule of the game is that what we resist will only persist. Over time and practice with conscious creation, we'll develop the ability to just allow the rational mind to be what it will be, as well as learn to become unaffected emotionally from it's pull, this simply means instead of buying into the mind's worries or fears we become the observer, as we would see someone else's child throw a temper tantrum at the toy store, it doesn't affect us emotionally because it's not our child, this is how we would want to treat our own wounded mind when worries, doubts, and fears surface, it's just not who we really are. It is equally important to practice self forgiveness consistently, many times when a person who is new to the concepts of reality creation and begins implementing them to get what they want they'll beat themselves up emotionally for their own negative thinking, again the wounded mind's pull is at work here, they'll assume they're doing something wrong when in actuality there is a natural process at play here, so instead of allowing the wounded mind to be as it is and play itself out they'll become emotionally charged by it, resisting it's pull. For myself personally, it has taken several months to get through this phase and I've learned to just allow my own wounded mind to think what it will think while maintaining a relaxed awareness, an example would be this, occasionally worrying about how I'm going to move out of state [all the mind] then as quickly as possible shifting my focus on the move already achieved which it is, now I'm no longer pulled in emotionally by the mind's rationalizing and worry, I KNOW it's already done so I can relax DESPITE what's running in the rational mind and be relaxed emotionally, not long after, the mind's chatter dissolves because I'm not resisting it or giving any attention to it so it loses it's energetic pull. This is not a one time fix, it will take a lot of practice and discipline to relax when our mind is trying to control any outcome because most of us are ''hard wired'' to do exactly what the fearful mind wants us to because that rational mind of ours is always thinking on future based scenarios. Society is driven by fear and fear is from the mind trying to protect itself from something unwanted in the future, if we allow our own mind to control our lives we are creating a reality of worry, struggle, and fear, life is just too short to be a victim of your own self. Taking control of our life isn't about taking actions to avoid certain unwanted outcomes, it's about taking control of our own thoughts and taking back our own power so that we are in a place emotionally where we can take actions that are inspired no matter what the rational mind is trying to tell us, we can't cut out the part of the mind that's always going to be rational or doubtful, it's a part of us, however, we can just allow it to be as it is, unaffected emotionally by it's pull, it's simply called acceptance. Over time our rational wounded mind will begin to dissolve and have no choice but to get ''on board'' with our heartfelt intentions instead of finding excuses to pull us away from them. It is recommended that we go easy on ourselves when our wounded mind refuses to get on board with our newfound desires, we cannot win when we fight against our wounded self, we must learn to be relaxed no matter what it's thinking and simply becoming witnesses to it's dramas without being pulled emotionally into it's worst case scenarios, all fear is illusion and does not exist in our reality unless we get caught up in that very fear emotionally, and if that fearful negative emotion persists we'll begin attracting vibrational matched experiences into our very own reality. Patience is a virtue with this process and equally important is self forgiveness, training the wounded mind [self] towards our favor is not an overnight shift, it will require time, patience, and a lot of mental discipline, the greater our desires, the more cleaning up of our energy will be required and it's not because the Universe makes us work harder because we want something that's bigger or life changing, it's US ourselves that's doing the necessary clearing energetically so as to allow the big stuff to come into our reality, a million dollars is no different than a wooden coin. All things are equal but they also have their own energy, it is paramount to see things from the perspective of no big deal and the obvious next step, and whatever the negative mind is thinking, it is important to witness it with a relaxed awareness and without judgment whatsoever, we must truly go easy on ourselves during the process of manifesting our intentions.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you may be, thank you for stopping by as I hope this post resonates well with those of you on your quest to becoming a true conscious creator. Despite what the status quo believes, creating your desired realty is all about ''being'' and not all about ''doing'' and doing first is a backward approach because actions are almost always taken out of desperation or out of attachment to a certain outcome. [need to control] All changes must occur inside first or else all actions that are taken come from a place of worry and fear. [avoiding an unwanted outcome] The work that's required to be successful in creating your reality must always be done from the inside first, there is no other way around this, you cannot fool, lie, or manipulate yourself [Universe/higher self] into getting what you want, you must face yourself and everything within you that's holding you back from getting what you want and it will take more courage than you are used to as you will have to face all your fears and anxieties head on, so that you can release them. The manifestation of your desires can only happen when nothing is standing in their way which means that you must finally reach that state of mind where your chosen reality is a ''done deal'' despite what your current physical reality is telling you, you'll need to be relaxed, patient, and expectant of your chosen reality to manifest at the proper timing and be okay with it however it happens, allowing a much smoother transition. Almost six years
it has taken me to reach this state of being [relaxed expectation] but honestly I still get nervous and anxious from time to time after all, I am still new to this and I'm just NOW beginning a new phase on this journey so it's normal to feel a little scared or nervous when things are shifting. Taking comfort in all of this is the fact that the higher you knows exactly what you want and serves you in every way to make sure you get it, really, and when you accept and internalize this truth you'll wonder why you ever doubted it in the first place! I wrote a few articles ago about my being in a vibrational ''limbo'' when it came to being between my current reality and my chosen preferred reality, at this stage a lot of confusion can set in but ever so important is to not waiver and find relief as often as possible because it can feel like a test of faith at times and get very overwhelming to say the least. It is beneficial to re-focus after all the barriers have been broken down, now you have the opportunity to focus your intentions without resistance and more clarity, it's quite possible you may tweak or even change your intentions due to this increased clarity which allows a quicker manifestation. My own intentions [desires] haven't changed much over the course of the past six years, what has changed however is my perspective on how the manifestation process works so instead of trying to force physically or use too much focused effort I'm understanding that the manifestation process is more about ''allowing'' which means being in a state of relaxed awareness and positive expectation. Another thing that's improved regarding my intentions is that I don't feel too much ''need'' for them as I did in the beginning, they feel more ordinary as in no different than anything else but I'll admit that sometimes I still get a little worked up about my intentions, but this is desire and we are human after all so I'm a firm believer that the joy of existence is always having something to look forward to, our constant launching of new desires and the need for expansion. Crossing the threshold into being a conscious creator means there is no going back but this is by choice on your part, I mean why would you want to? You are now able to create the reality of YOUR choosing, you now get to live life by YOUR terms, creating your chosen reality is effortless and without struggle, you'll see, as well as understand, that you WOULD'NT want it any other way, this is what you have to look forward to when you cross the threshold to being a conscious creator, getting everything you want!
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Getting what you desire [intention] can be done in two ways, the easy way or the hard way and unfortunately, most, are simply doing everything the hard way, following the robotic herd mentality that anything really worth having must be earned through blood, sweat, and sacrifice. We ARE finally waking up and discovering our own personal power, we're discovering that there's a whole lot more to life than being a hamster on a wheel as cliché as it sounds. I have personally released a crap load of limited beliefs and most were instilled early in my youth through television/media, school, and religion, buying into the ideas that if others were believing these things, naturally so should I, I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to ridicule me for going against the grain of society right? But going against the grain I am, I've rediscovered my uniqueness and oddness and if you look at my profile you'd think that I look like the average run of the mill, Caucasian middle aged Joe, but average I'm not, the cover of the book doesn't tell the whole story. As I'm obviously still a work in progress I'm embracing my long lived rebellious side in a whole new way, I've grown weary of living my life by the rules of society, almost gone are the ideas that I am not in control, that life happens TO me, [victim mentality] but now life happens FOR me, almost gone are the ideas that I am at the mercy of a higher power, [religious based ideas] when instead, I am a co-creator of my very own reality with my authentic self, and completely gone are the ideas that I have to work hard to get anything I want [status quo/herd mentality] when simply sending out energy that's a vibrational match to what I want will allow it to manifest into my physical reality, with ease! No wonder why I dropped out of school, nothing resonated with me, I mean who would I be if I graduated and went on to college? I didn't need it, I've been unemployed for almost five years now and yet here I am, writing this blog telling you how much better my life has improved, and continues to further improve. What it all boils down to is this, elementary, middle, or high school didn't teach me ANYTHING about reality creation, certainly no day job gave me the much needed skills or experience to master conscious creation, and Sunday school didn't teach me how to rejoice and harness my own true power, and finally, the news or media wasn't covering reality creation exclusively so that I could watch daily, take back my power, and learn to become fearless, no, they were too busy spreading fear! I discovered reality creation at a low point in my life when I'd had enough of lack and limitation, somehow I just knew I deserved better and when I made the conscious decision to take back my power I've noticed all of the old and tired systematic ideas dissolving away, they simply hinder the better things I want in life. I'm blasting through the brick-walled box of limitation and breaking the chains that no longer bind me on the way out!
Hello again and what a ''relief'' it is to be once again inspired to write another post as I'm in a transition place between my current reality and my more preferred reality. I've found that I can't live in two realities at the same time [current unwanted and desired/preferred reality] and the contrast created is overwhelming to say the least. The longer I reside in my current reality the more I WANT to reside in my new reality [relocation to another state] and I'll be completely honest here, things aren't really that bad at all where I am now, it's just that I can get very tired of being in one place too long, especially when summer is fast approaching, [I live in Phoenix Arizona!] so I'm getting a little antsy to make a move, and soon! If anyone reading this post is going through these vibrational summersaults when it comes to being stuck in your current reality and wanting SO bad that your preferred reality would just manifest already, you are not alone, I mean you know you've done and ARE doing everything right, so what's with the holdup? It's so obvious that your chosen reality is within reach because you can FEEL it at the cellular level, you've already affirmed, visualized, and shifted your beliefs and still nothing so what gives? What gives is there's no longer any more you need to do but chill, but that still doesn't help when the contrast is banging on the door! First, no matter how bad it can feel when you want to be somewhere else or you don't have that thing you want because you're noticing it's absence and yes, sending the energy of absence delays the manifestation I'm afraid so two things can happen here, completely forget about it [let go/release it] or find ways to appreciate and feel good about it while anticipating it's arrival. [positive expectation] Harder than it reads I know but here's what's working wonders for me, each time an unwanted circumstance rears it's ugly head, here in Phoenix, and I tell myself if I were just somewhere else my life would be better, instead of noticing where I'm not and sending THAT energy which will only keep me where I am, I simply pivot my emotion towards that of relief, yes, in reality creation relief IS your friend because relief is pretty close to what you'll feel when your actual manifestation takes place! You can feel excited and exhilarated about your preferred and already created reality until the cows come home, but over time getting what you want isn't about getting worked up and excited about it, you already did that when you first launched it, the Universe knew then that you wanted what you wanted, so it was created in THAT moment. Getting up to speed with what you want [preferred reality] is ALREADY possessing what you already have and have had all along [reference above] so even though you still don't have it yet in the physical you FEEL like you already DO have it energy wise, so you could care less whether it manifests or not and the paradox here, it can now manifest easily into your physical reality. Here I remain in my vibrational ''limbo'' between where I am and where I want to be, [relocating to another state] the thing is that finding relief keeps me on track and I'm doing this whenever ANY unwanted thought surfaces that could lead to sending opposing energies to what I prefer. What I'm finding is this, the more I feel relief the faster I allow myself to re-align towards my desired reality, allowing a faster and much smoother manifestation. I'll zip it up with this, how will you REALLY feel when your greatest desire is made manifest into your physical reality? RELIEVED!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Good Monday morning viewers, winter is already over here in Phoenix as the temperatures are expected to reach the lower 90s by mid week, I AM ''EXPECTING'' relocation to a much cooler climate before late spring arrives. Yes good old expectation, and with the Universal laws constantly at play every moment of our lives, we indeed DO get what we expect. There's the old adage that we should always ''lower'' our expectations, never get our hopes up, geez, most of the time we're always expecting the worst because that's what we're used to getting a majority of the time. I'm here to tell you all that a true deliberate creator ALWAYS expects the best no matter the circumstances, remember, with Universal intelligence [non-physical] there are NO limits, it is only the physical us that sets limits upon ourselves, so the universal law of attraction naturally responds to that energy of limitation that we inflict upon ourselves back into our very own reality. Once you fully believe something you will expect it to happen, good or bad, and all too often people are expecting the worse and that very expectation is backed with belief, so it's only natural the unwanted scenario will eventually manifest itself into their reality. It is paramount that we shift our beliefs towards what's desired so that we can have more positive expectation flowing in our energy field, this way we can manifest a much more preferred reality. So where does one begin to expect better things to happen in their reality? First and foremost one MUST work on changing their perspective, then and only then can they see things from a more positive stance which will allow their reality to begin reflecting back to them their shifting perspective, once this occurs their faith will grow and eventually their belief as well, proving to themselves that they and they only create their very own reality. We get what we expect but it's important to remember that what we expect is based on what we believe and what we believe is based on our perception. It is my personal belief that the greater our expectations the greater the Universe will exceed them, the reason I believe this is because that is what my own reality is mirroring back to me, I do not wish to ''create and tell'' but since I've recently began to set my expectations much higher the Universe has validated those very expectations by sending me frequent confirmations that the delivery of my intentions/expectations will be above and beyond what even I could have imagined, this message/sign always comes around at the perfect timing and all the while sprinkled with nice mini-manifestations to boot, keeping all my expectations ''on track'' for the bigger stuff, that's how well positive expectation works. We truly forget how powerful we are and the funny part is that we are at our MOST powerful when we are ''relaxed'' and not trying too hard to make something happen, as a matter of fact when you're fully expecting something amazingly good of course you're FEELING good, FEELING relaxed, and FEELING confident, not stressed out and worried unless of course you're expecting the worse! As you shift your beliefs more towards getting what is desired your expectations will naturally reflect those beliefs, but it doesn't end there, as your beliefs grow so will your expectations, remember there are NO limits in the non-physical, expansion of self is infinite, the physical reality and everything in it is your catalog, YOU simply place your order to the Universal intelligence, in turn Universal intelligence delivers according to your beliefs and expectations and friends, it really IS that simple!
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Greetings from a very cool and crispy February morning in Phoenix Arizona, I wish to attempt to wake up the readers with this post on what the true purpose of money really is, and as well, what it really isn't. My perceptions about money have taken a dramatic about-face these past few months and this could easily be due to my shifting beliefs concerning all things monetary. Okay, we know that money is simply a form of exchange so why are there so many hang ups when it comes to people and money? People are taught early in age that money must be earned, so you must ''work'' hard for it, then, you must put aside a percentage for retirement because obviously, Social Security isn't enough to retire on in these times what with the rising cost of living, so you more than likely will have to have a second or even a third job, even more so if you have a family to support or you want to put your kids in college which is also more expensive than ever. There just doesn't seem to ever be enough money to allow the average citizen to live a comfortable and stress free life so what gives? Believe me the problem doesn't lie with money itself, it lies with our beliefs and perceptions regarding it, and until this changes we'll always struggle with money until we discover why we have certain limited beliefs about money, why we struggle with it, what it's true purpose is, and finally, what state of mind we need to adopt so it can flow easily to us. We don't own money, we're not meant to, it's no more than a form of exchange but like everything else it does have energy, the problem with the mentality of the current system is that money must be hoarded or saved in case something bad happens such as an economic downturn or crash. It takes no financial expert to see that the middle class is shrinking and the super wealthy continue to prosper, but it is greed that causes the majority to want more and more, adopting the perception that there is never enough and it's everyone for themselves in a world of competition, corruption, and capitalism. When it comes to the global economy and it's money, the world is going backwards instead of moving forward, so many in power are hoarding and madly accumulating money strictly out of greed, prestige, and dominion, leaving the majority without their very livelihoods behind, forcing that majority into an adapt or die mentality resulting living a life in complete survival mode. That's the ugly side of money but does it have a positive side?, it surely does and one perception we must change regarding money is that we never ''own'' it, it simply comes in and goes out, flows in, flows out, so why is it that there is never enough? It's simply a perception, when we are able to perceive money simply as a tool for expansion, a form of exchange that we are ''stewards'' of, not owners of, we begin to understand that we'll hold more value towards ourselves than that of money, and WITHOUT us money has NO value, without US money serves no purpose, not the other way around. All too often people put money first before themselves and before others, how's that working for us in today's society? We don't own money and money doesn't own us, the true purpose of money is inflow and outflow, balance, giving and receiving, and the most successful [not greedy] people have adopted this perception, they put their passions and self expressions first and foremost, they do ONLY what they love, THEN the money follows and flows in, a true steward of money knows no ''ownership'' of money, they don't need to ''hoard'' or save it for a financial disaster, they live in the present moment, they know that it simply comes in and goes out and that's the way it will always be, no matter how bad the economy is. It's of no surprise why so many struggle with money, they want to get their hands on it and hold fast, fearing that there may be few other chances or opportunities to acquire more because they've bought into the ideas and beliefs that there is never enough. When money is no longer perceived as a necessity [means to an end] and more as a simple tool for expansion, all the right inspired actions will present themselves and money can flow into our lives in the form of finding our true passions and self expression, you know the old saying, do what you love and the money will follow, I'm not done with this topic so stay viewed for future posts.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Words backed with feeling are very powerful, what we say is what we attract, think of how many times we've all uttered those famous words ''I just knew this would happen'' when an undesirable circumstance occurred and while writing this post, I simply cannot stress enough, how vital it is to be very careful of what we are saying out loud to OURSELVES, especially when we're feeling those negative emotions. This can also be true when we are feeling really good and saying [declaring] our intentions out loud, again, when our spoken words are backed with belief and powerful conviction/emotion, we are sending out energies that can often yield instant manifestations, whether it's good or bad. As we make great shifts in changing beliefs we will become more aware of what we are thinking and feeling, but this goes even a step further should we choose to give our spoken words more power behind our intentions, so instead of declaring what's not wanted we'll begin to declare what IS wanted. Since I've become more aware of my thoughts and focus mostly on alignment I've been declaring my intentions to myself more in an outspoken manner, I simply speak them into existence and the results are almost instantaneous and it's amazing how fast the Universe responds to my intentions when they are spoken aloud and backed with belief, I just cannot emphasize how powerful this really is! All too often we'll use our own words against ourselves sabotaging our greatest efforts towards getting what we REALLY want, I mean look no further than these familiar sentences in today's society...''how much worse can things get?'' or ''why does this ALWAYS happen to me?'' or the disempowering ''I just knew I couldn't do it'' All of these words we say have strong emotions behind them, so the unwavering Universal law validates those very things we are not only feeling, but saying to ourselves out loud, reflecting that very reality back to us by matching these feelings/words with more undesired situations and circumstances. Words are powerful, they are designed this way because our words are always backed by our thoughts and emotions, so again what we are feeling and saying we are attracting and dare I say, much faster mind you! So how can we leverage the Universal laws by using the spoken word to our own benefit? First and foremost we must change our belief system to one that's aligned towards what we want or the wrong words will just keep coming out, secondly, we'll need to become more aware of what we are thinking predominately, so that when we DO speak, we are coming more from a place of total belief and alignment, instead of a place of fear/doubt and misalignment. As we progress more towards becoming deliberate creators we'll gain the confidence to not only think thoughts that are aligned to our intentions, but also the ability to ''speak'' them into existence as well, this is true co-creation, to declare the desire/intention out loud with total conviction and unwavering belief allowing a much swifter manifestation, go forth and co-create!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Living consciously [creating your desired reality] can be tricky at times, once we become more aware that we are constantly creating our reality, we'll try our hardest not to think the thoughts that are misaligned with what we want. Because we can be afraid that we'll attract something unwanted by focusing on negative thinking, we'll try to block or suppress any unwanted emotions, fearing that those very unwanted emotions will hinder our ability to align to our greatest intentions, but there is a reason those uncomfortable emotions surface, and it's possible that there is some releasing happening here. In these past few weeks I've awoken a few times in the middle of the night with extreme feelings of anxiety, almost at the beginning stage of an oncoming panic attack, thankfully, I've learned to ''pivot'' my focus on something much more pleasant, giving my attention to something that brings the feeling of relief which allows me to re-align to what's actually wanted instead. I'm wondering though if I'm releasing residual negative energies that are no longer in alignment to what I want by avoiding them during the day in my waking hours, only to sneak up and surface in the middle of the night. I don't like this type of anxiety, it feels very ugly and all I want to do is shift my focus so I don't have to sit with it, but I'm wondering if it would be easier to let the feeling play out because maybe it needs to be released. Sometime in my life something happened that brought about this feeling of intense anxiety but I can't quite pinpoint it, it's likened to a person who undergoes hypnotherapy that must re-live at the emotional level a past negative trauma/event so they can move on to a more better life, but more in the case of desire/intention and blocked energies that could hinder what's wanted, which may be self imposed by our very selves. I wrote a post a few years ago about what is known as the witching hours of the night, and since becoming a deliberate creator, [living in a more positive conscious awareness] waking up in the middle of the night has become routine for me. In these modern times, a majority of people lie awake worrying about their personal problems in life, things like money, relationships, jobs and marriages, even more troubling worries like unpaid bills and huge mortgages/foreclosures, even to the point of night terrors or panic attacks! I used to do this but on a much more intense scale, I used to lie awake in the middle of the night worrying about everything from money to Armageddon, and it was at night when these fears were their strongest so you can only imaging what my next day was like on the attraction level, a living nightmare! Whatever this is it runs deep and I'm hopefully releasing it, but again because I'm always conscious of my thoughts during my waking hours, maybe it's kind of hard for the releasing to occur because I'm vigilantly focusing on better feeling thoughts, but in the middle of the night asleep while the brain is still conscious, those suppressed unwanted energies seem to awaken me in the form of extreme anxiety, and I'll have to soothe myself as soon as possible by focusing on things that bring me relief so that I can peacefully doze back off. It would be easy to be dragged into the mind's pull and assume something is very wrong and all kinds of fearful scenarios could begin to play out in one's imagination, but to buy into those scenarios that aren't real in the first place could be dangerous and habit forming, even when I'm feeling these intense unwanted emotions, as brief as they are, my focus is still on what's preferred despite how uncomforting they can be, to focus on something undesired [forming a mental picture] could invite it into your reality, it's basically a negative visualization exercise that's working against you, please don't go there! Feeling bad will only attract more of feeling bad to some extent, but adding a mental picture to those feelings can create an unwanted reality, that is why despite feeling very bad it may be best to at least have the mental image of what's preferred so you can shift your emotions towards a better feeling place, especially at night! It seems to me while we sometimes lie awake at night our thoughts are at their most powerful, we're just lying there undistracted and in the quietness, it's actually the best time to focus on what's wanted, not on what's unwanted while we're drifting off to sleep, turning our thoughts over to our subconscious. The problem with most is where their dominant focus is during the day [fearful thoughts] in which they are creating their realties by default, but at night when they lie awake having trouble sleeping because of their worries is only creating more circumstances to worry about the very next day, living their very lives in a perpetual negative loop. What could possibly be happening to me could be due to my past, what I used to think about and feel when I would lie awake every night for years worrying about everything, maybe I'm releasing those built up energies now, at least I hope so, especially if it means getting everything I want, it'll be well worth the temporary discomfort.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
It's human nature to make judgments, good or bad, we tend to judge everything based on our own perception or beliefs, we judge others and we even judge ourselves. First off, I am not a religious person, the purpose of this post is to shed some light on how judgment can hinder our ability to manifest our greatest intentions and live the kind of life we want. There are certain consequences that come with judgment and we are all guilty of them, even myself, but we are all human after all so we shouldn't beat ourselves up for being so, I mean, how can we learn from something unless we make the wrong judgments? As we learn more self forgiveness towards ourselves we will also learn forgiveness towards others, sure, people are still going to piss us off but we'll learn to let it go without judgment and move on. The same can be applied with unwanted circumstances, when something doesn't go our way we're quick to judge it as a bad experience, and because of our beliefs and perceptions we label it as bad luck or assume things can only get worse instead of learning from the experience, letting it go, and continuing forward. Another way our judgments can hinder our progress is when we're quick to judge others we hardly even know, and what's so dangerous about this is the very judgments we are sending towards others is sending it right back towards us, we are only judging ourselves when we are judging others whether it be jealousy, disappointment, or insecurity, finding fault in others is finding fault in ourselves. Then there's denial, we won't admit it but we'll judge something or somebody subconsciously without being aware of it, for example, a person may be insecure but be quick to judge somebody for being happy and secure, a person may struggle with money but be quick to judge somebody being greedy because they're wealthy and successful, or, a person who is sick and unhealthy would be jealous and quick to judge somebody who is vibrant and healthy, or the other way around and all due to their negative perceptions and beliefs about their OWN lives. Life is a reflection of our own beliefs and perceptions positive or negative, and our judgments play a very important role in how we create our reality. I have made great strides towards eliminating judgment in my life but I am still not perfect, I still tend to judge circumstances when they are not to my liking but I'm also learning to let them go as quickly as possible and move forward, as for releasing judgment towards others I am improving very well in that department. The reason that negative judgment can hinder desire with the attraction process is simple, the lower vibrations we are sending out, it just doesn't feel good when our perception towards an unwanted circumstance is that of negativity [judging it as bad] or our perception towards another person who we don't like or we're jealous of, we make the assumption that we are above or better than them, [judgment] but finding fault in others is finding fault in ourselves. Here's where the truth can really hurt, when we are placing [negative] judgment on others we will attract the circumstance where others will place those [negative] judgments upon us as well, this is because the energy we are sending out will be reflected back to us and our reality, via the unwavering laws of attraction, finding faults in others will attract others finding faults in ourselves, we'll simply reap what we sow! Make no mistake about it, to be successful in getting everything we want we must constantly be sending out the right energies towards everything and this also includes everybody, sure, there are people who will piss us off and that's life, but to waste energy by being upset will only attract more of the same and while getting pissed is okay,[we're human] at some point we have to let it go and move forward. Closing this post a great reminder, alignment to your bigger self will move you in the direction of a judgment free zone, this is because the bigger you has no judgment whatsoever towards anything or anybody, so you can see how important coming from a place of non-judgment can be in the attraction/manifestation process.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Greetings and happy manifesting! Shifting beliefs from disempowering towards empowering requires persistence, perseverance, and above all patience, it is a process and you cannot ''force'' your beliefs to change, no shortcuts here. In the past few months I've been undergoing some major belief shifts and the side effects are nothing short of an emotional roller coaster ride. Shifting beliefs are no picnic because what we're dealing with is our subconscious mind here, we all know that our very own subconscious mind controls our bodily functions as well as our emotions, when we begin to let go of beliefs that no longer serve us [to get what we desire] it's going to cause some discomfort and that's putting it very lightly! The process of shifting beliefs can, at times, grow beyond frustrating even overwhelming, this is because the old beliefs [programs] will hold on for dear life, especially if they have years of momentum behind them, again, this is a process that requires much patience as well as self forgiveness on our part. Because we desire change so badly we may try to rush along the belief shifting process and when we fail to make those huge leaps we'll begin to beat ourselves up and assume we're doing something wrong, this will only compound the problem and feed even more momentum towards the already existing disempowering beliefs. It is very critical that we learn self forgiveness while letting go of limited beliefs because there will be times where we'll begin to feel our newly empowered beliefs shifting, we'll know because we will sense a feeling of lightness and relief, a day or two passes, then all of the sudden an unwanted circumstance occurs and re-validates the very belief we thought we had shifted, frustrated, we'll assume that there's something wrong with us or, we're simply doing something wrong, this is not the case. It's important to understand that we are ALWAYS moving towards what we want [desire] even though a lot of the time it will feel like we're going backwards, this is when it is necessary to change our perception and stay the course. Whenever we make any progress shifting our beliefs the old beliefs will challenge the newer beliefs, this will create some intense contrast so vigilance is paramount as we must maintain constant focus on what is wanted, if we cave emotionally when the old beliefs surface [challenging our new beliefs] we could fall backwards and delay our progress so the more we're focusing on what we DON'T want the harder it will be and the longer it will take to shift our beliefs towards what's desired. As I said above, no matter how hard we try we cannot force our beliefs to change, I cannot stress this enough because the harder we try [believing we'll get what we want faster] the harder the disempowered limited beliefs will push back and eventually reinforce themselves impeding any progress whatsoever, it is a futile approach. Shifting beliefs requires a gentle approach and learning self forgiveness is crucial for success, we must learn to come from a space of non-judgment during this process. If I could nail this all down in one phase It would be the letting go phase and we are simply doing just that, this is why we cannot force this process, we can try, but good luck with that, our old limited beliefs must ''dissolve'' gradually and naturally, we can't fight them because that is a fight we just can't win, we may have years or even decades of limited beliefs to contend with, so self forgiveness will always be our best ally when we're shifting beliefs. Only you can identify your own limited beliefs, no one else can for you, but how do you know what your limited beliefs are? What do you want? If you're finding many reasons why you CAN'T have what it is that you want look no further, you've found your limited beliefs, of course you're still moving towards what you want but very slowly, [while shifting beliefs] on the other hand if you can find many reason why you CAN have what it is that you want, you will be moving towards what you want much faster and you'll not only know it but you'll also feel it. I could write several posts about this subject in and of itself as I've experienced it myself personally, so it's a safe bet that I'll cover more ground here with the topic of shifting beliefs. In closing this post, allow me to attempt to simplify this a little with this analogy, think of your emotions [vibration] like gears, high gear [joy/appreciation] speedier manifestations, low gear [worry/frustration] slow and delayed manifestations.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
I've mentioned before in posts that during the process of becoming a deliberate creator, original desires are subject to modification or change, I've mentioned that what is wanted now may be different than what will be wanted in say, a year from now, and I've mentioned that the buffer of time serves us as to get more clear on what it is we TRULY want. I remember five years ago wanting all these BIG changes to happen, I approached conscious creation from a very delusional perspective and I can honestly say I'm SO glad that these big changes did not occur, I just wasn't ready to become someone I clearly was not. This self imposed lesson I've gained was simple, to be true to myself and rediscover who I really am and who I am comfortable being, what I am passionate about, and to stop trying to force upon myself all these big changes. We are the deciders, we must realize that our subconscious minds are not ready to change as fast as we'd like, a more gradual process is recommended and slow and steady wins the race. I've gotten so caught up in wanting these so-called big changes and making them happen I'd almost forgotten what really makes me tick, my passion for the things I have and enjoy that are already in my life now, my good health, family and friends, and my gifts and talents that I possess now, not the gifts and talents I think I ''should'' possess. I'll admit that I didn't see this coming, but I am so grateful it's working out this way, and I'm beginning to discover that maybe I don't need to make all these big changes to become better, I already am! I've got the bigger me to thank for this [I call him Big-D] because he knows me better than I know myself, he knows what I truly want from the heart as my trust in Big-D is growing, I simply just believe in myself! There are those who practice reality creation and make great leaps of change, some will become successful and reprogram their minds and even completely change their identity, they'll successfully become the change/person they want to be, leaving who they were, in the past, completely behind. I thought about being a completely different person than who I am now, but I like who I am now, this does not mean I'll stop expanding or improving, it just means I'm more comfortable with the gradual process of growth and in no hurry to change too fast or too drastically, I'll admit that I've got one foot in the past and one foot in the present so I'm embracing who I am now rather than who I ''think'' I should be. It's all about personal choice and reality creation is not a ''one size fits all'' way of thinking or being, we are all different in our approach and our preferences are tailored to us only and not to anyone else, we decide and no one can do that for us no matter how ''good'' they are with manifesting and conscious creation, we must reach inward and ''find'' ourselves as well as find our own way. Who knows, maybe I need to rediscover myself so I can find the true clarity I'll need to move forward or, I just didn't want these big leaps of change I thought I'd wanted from the beginning, time will tell but one thing is for sure, I'm in no hurry and neither is Big-D, there's too much good stuff in my life right now so to just toss it all out and become someone I'm not doesn't feel right to me at this time. We make our own rules, we have options in life, some of us will become a whole new person with a whole new life with reality creation, and others like myself will rediscover themselves and find that drastic changes aren't necessary when we are happy with who we are now, in no hurry to get it all done, we won't anyway.
Good morning and happy new year, developing trust with the intuitive [bigger part] of ourselves is paramount for successful co-creation, but the real truth is that we are always creating our reality in every now moment, it's just that most are doing this unaware [on auto-pilot] and constantly getting undesired results. In my own personal experience I am beginning to develop a strong connection with my intuitive side [inner self/being] and the results are beyond pleasing as my trust, in my bigger self, continues to build. Here's a good perspective on how this connection works, when you are in a pure positive state as you are thinking about your goals, you are connected [aligned] not only to your goals, but also with the bigger part of you, which sees the fulfillment of your goals from a much broader perspective, thus enabling you to reach them faster and much easier. Developing this bond with your [higher] self will take time and trust as it is a process of growth, but it is well worth the time. Almost everyone has experienced something in their life that has seemed miraculous, it could've been a big promotion that you've been working hard for but didn't expect to happen and out of the blue you received it, it could've been a long lost relative you thought about frequently and missed, only to show up out of the blue at your door, or, you've always dreamed of being wealthy and suddenly a financial windfall comes into your life in the form of a lottery win, or a proposition/opportunity falls into your lap and you have the means to own your own business. Look no further than that ''bigger'' part of you that gave that necessary nudge that you acted upon, giving you that desired result. The problem with most however, is that once they've received something phenomenal in their lives they discard it as chance or mere luck and proceed back into their regular thinking and behavior, which, unfortunately, leads to a short lived blessing rendering them back to where they were before in a short amount of time, [see the rise and fall of overnight fame, or big lottery winners who couldn't handle massive sums of money] Being aligned to higher self is a commitment, you don't align to yourself because it's convenient so you can ''use'' your alignment whenever you need to so you can get something, I've done this and I think we all will during the learning stages of reality creation, it's normal to think that it works this way but in the end we learn to make alignment a priority first and everything else after, at that point alignment becomes habitual and second nature so we allow more of what we prefer in our experience. What happens when we are NOT aligned most of the time?, we are simply on our own, ripe for creation by default, meaning we are the victims of our own thinking and behaviors, while life happens FOR an aligned co-creator, life happens TO a person who is not aligned, they become victims of circumstances, they feel they have no control of their own reality so they are running on fear, to live this way is a life of struggle, a hamster on a wheel, thinking is future based, always trying to avoid unwanted outcomes. I am still a work in progress but here's what I'm taking from all of this, higher self wants you to be happy and truly wants to give you EVERYTHING you deserve and why?, because higher self IS you, so why wouldn't you trust you? It's amazing how higher self assists you every step of the way, it wants SO bad to grant your wish no matter what it is if you would just allow it, it's really that simple, and whatever it is that's wanted it's NEVER too good for you, it's a simple formula really, ask and it's done!
Friday, January 15, 2016
2016, a different perspective
Happy new year, it's been a temporary hiatus since the last post and for good reason, all of my time, energy, and focus has been on cleaning up some issues that were still lingering in my vibrational output. One issue which I thought I'd resolved a short time ago turned out to be tied into other issues [limited beliefs] so I had to work through some layers to get to the core of that issue, and it looks as if I'm successfully accomplishing this as I'm feeling more confident about what it is I really want. After all of this, [clearing up any remaining issues] around what is truly desired in my reality, I must return to focus on my desired reality unimpeded, meaning that a great deal of resistance [limited beliefs] must be dissolved, making it much more easier to focus with strong intention and clarity, allowing much smoother and quicker manifested results. Things have changed since this all began intention wise, what I wanted five years ago isn't quite exactly what I want now, well, to a slight degree I suppose, this is because from the resulting clarity that's gained from shifting beliefs, our perspective will change when it comes to personal desires, and from this new perspective comes more realistic goals that are more believable to us. As we continue to allow more successful manifestations, they will increase our ability to believe in ourselves even more, that is, we'll begin to see everything is working FOR us and we discover our true power, our confidence grows and our beliefs make greater shifts much faster and easier, aiming us towards being a master creator, which is what we are all meant to be. To me, from my own personal perception, 2016 is a year of physical manifestations, all of my inner work of the past five years is beginning to bear results, it's actually already happening as I'm feeling the necessary shift taking place, to allow this year to be the one for desired results to unfold in the material/physical. I leave this post with a little numerology for 2016.....2[intention] 0[one with universe] 1[aligned thoughts] and 6[material/physical] manifestations.
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