Monday, September 14, 2015


Monday, here we go again with a new week, so lets get it started! In the early stages of my practice with all things deliberate creation, I took this self mastery stuff way too seriously, and unfortunately, for quite some time I'll add, I just had to nail it down so I could manifest my goals ASAP! I think at some point, usually in the beginning stage, we'll all take the law of attraction a little too serious, after all, this is our life for god's sake and we're very serious about making it better. If there were any written disclaimers with conscious creation, one of them would read ''do not take this stuff seriously'' and it's easy to see why with this one single word, RESISTANCE, and as long as it's present in our energy, we're blocking the goods! Yes, it would seem that the more serious you were about changing your reality the faster it would happen, but with this approach you're swimming against the current of the life stream, and you are literally doing things the hard way. Going WITH the stream is effortless, and so is manifestation as well, as you are allowing a natural force to assist you as well as work in your favor, and since it has everything already figured out, your only job is to enjoy life, yes, I said it, I know, I know, this goes against the grain of conventional thinking, but let me remind you that it's conventional thinking that goes against the life stream, and we've all had it backwards for a long time. This is where beliefs and perceptions must change, and going with the flow becomes a predominant way of life rather than an occasional one, ever noticed how well everything is going when you're in the flow? You may ask ''what am I supposed to do to stay in my flow?'' and my question to you would be this, ''what do you love to do? Just keep doing that'' because doing what you enjoy on a consistent basis is alignment, and the goods come more frequent and faster. It doesn't matter what it is you do, as long as it makes you feel good, a favorite hobby, a walk in the woods, bird watching, blasting your favorite tunes, hanging out with your kids/pets, a night on the town with friends chasing girls and tipping pints, bungee jumping, a roll in the hay with your significant other, I could go on, there's a whole lot of good stuff to do here, so much so, it doesn't leave any time left to do something that sucks! For those who have jobs, compensate, leave work where it belongs, AT WORK! life is too short to live with a job 24/7, put your despised bosses' picture on a dartboard and toss away! find ways to do what you love and get paid for that instead, times are changing! It's time to break the rules of the conventional status quo and it's ideas, it's time to go against the grain of society and think outside of the box, it's time to follow the joy instead of the so-called leaders who get to determine what we're worth! It's time to take inspired actions instead of fear/future based actions! Now that I'm pumped, I'm headed to the nearest local pub to celebrate the victory, anyone want to join me? I'm buying!

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