Hello, welcome to Extreme Mind Makeover, this blog is about my personal journey becoming a deliberate creator, thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
I've written a few posts ago, about how some deep seated past anger issues, were triggered at the tail end of this last week, which seemed to lie dormant only surfacing to be somewhat resolved, and hopefully dissolved. Yes, this was a difficult issue to endure and it literally drained me physically and emotionally and yet I'm wondering, was this random? I'm sure that some of the readers out there are aware that just a few days ago a cosmic event occurred known as a ''super moon'' and I'm just wondering if it's possible that I wasn't alone during this cosmic turbulence so to speak, and wonder if others have had a strange weekend as well. I'm not a firm believer in the cosmos affecting our lives but I'm beginning to question that belief, I mean is it possible that there is some kind of influence here? I'm not an avid horoscope reader but once in awhile I'll look up my astrological sign and lo and behold, it's dead on, not all the time, but yeah, sometimes I'll read my 'scope and say to myself ''wow! this is happening to me'' Some eyes will roll, but stranger things have happened yet I'm beginning to wonder if astrology really influences our lives. Look no further than Universal intelligence and it's perfect design, even more going back to ancient history [the golden age] where humans were in direct contact with the cosmos which influenced every aspect of their lives. Perhaps the age of the skeptic is passing and the realms of possibility are stepping in, of course in our age we rely too much on technology and we're always looking down for answers instead of up. I believe that sooner rather than later more evidence will show itself, that in these times we'll witness things happening in the cosmos that we never realized before, and as well, how much we are influenced and effected by them. If you've had a lot of emotional turbulence this past week you are not alone, keep your eyes to the sky!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
In the last post I covered the topic of anger and suppressed emotions that will surface to be dealt with so you can march onward to successful creation, but there's more, and I wanted to add to the subject at hand. During the past weekend when unexpected issues surfaced I had no choice but to face them head on and deal with them, I really had to be honest with myself and truly decide what to keep and what to let go of as I have certain attachments I'd have to sort through. It can get tricky with this process because the wounded mind will get involved and try to reason with everything that's happening and search for a solution that suits itself, this is where you must reach into your heart and discover what your TRUE intentions are, but with the involvement of the rational mind it can be a major challenge. We are in control when it comes to what we really want in life, but at the same time we MUST be completely honest with ourselves about what's working and what's not working when it comes to improving our circumstances. This can be the hardest when we're dealing with other people, especially those we care about, because face it, some people will hold you back, we'll cling on to them emotionally or they to us, and it can be emotionally hard to let them go. This applies to everything we want to keep in our reality, I can honestly say that I've downsized significantly when it comes to certain things in my life, a lot of things that interested me just a few years ago are no longer relevant in my life anymore, of course, I've had to sort through those things of question in my life, those things that I wanted to remain in my reality and I'm still doing this now, but I'm gaining more clarity and it seems that the things I'm most passionate about I choose to remain in my current reality. If I could offer any advise to anyone on what to keep or what to let go of it would be to hold on to your truest passions, of course the mind will question and rationalize what is or isn't your true passion so it may try to confuse you about all this, but it is ultimately your decision so try to feel it in the heart and leave your mind out of it. What about people in question? that's a hard one, again, listen to your heart and discover if the person you care deeply about is either supporting you or draining you. If there is something you truly want to keep in your reality but you have resistance around it try to uncover the reason for this, it may be a limiting belief you've held making you feel uncertain that what you want to keep in your reality is right or wrong. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong here, it's all about how something makes you feel, and if it feels really bad to let go of something you'd rather keep, just clean up your energy around that subject/thing and let go of your negative/limited beliefs around it so that you are a match to it, this way it can remain in your reality without question. I almost bought into the idea that I would have to give up almost everything just to get something that I wanted, but in truth I only had to give up those things that were sapping my energy and most of those things were inside of me, not outside of me, but when I let something go inside of me it sort of dissolved outside of me. Doing this energy work on a consistent basis means sifting through everything and that includes internally and externally, but aside from desiring more out of life we may also desire to keep something in our life because it brings us joy despite what others may think or believe, do not feel guilty because of this! It's funny that this subject isn't covered too much with personal development and when it is, you're bombarded with these ideas that desiring certain things and acquiring material possessions is spiritually wrong, but who decides that?, why would we ever question or judge ourselves when it comes to wanting that beautiful luxury sports car?, [guys!] that beautiful home on the beach?, that dining set you've fallen in love with that you've purchased for your dinner party to impress your closest friends? [ladies!] Why feel guilty for any desire? We exist and therefor we deserve, our Universe does not judge our desires, desire is the human condition and it's a beautiful thing, the world has everything to offer and you can have whatever you want as long as it makes you feel good! What I'm learning is that there are issues of undeserving at play in most of us, we feel guilty for wanting more, even for what we already have, we'll wonder whether we should continue having something and tossing it away out of guilt because we're afraid that it's spiritually wrong or we're terrified of what others think.
You desire something for a reason, but to receive that desire you will have to feel the essence of it, because behind every desire is a feeling and that includes those things that you wish to remain in your reality, it's really not that THING, it's what it brings you and that's the only question you should be asking yourself honestly, ''what does this thing bring to me?'' and that includes people as well. Like I mentioned above, this subject isn't covered much out there, we all want to have more but what about what we already have? what should we keep and what should we get rid of? That's entirely up to us, we are not being judged here for the things we have in our lives and whether we have so much or so little doesn't matter, but I'm discovering that what I DO have, I'm GRATEFUL for, and I've tipped the scales of being more grateful for what I ALREADY have, rather than thinking about what I still don't have. So what this post means in a nutshell is don't question anything that makes you happy, whether it's coming or already in your reality, if it truly adds to your happiness just appreciate it, it's that simple, you deserve it and you can keep it!
Terrific Tuesday everyone! As seen, a lot of visitors are viewing this blog site and I just want to take the time to appreciate all of you who are stopping by with the highest hopes that you receive some inspiration from these posts. I'm not a perfect man, in fact I'm STILL a work in progress and probably will be for some time, but this [deliberate creation stuff] isn't about being perfect, striving for perfection is just plain delusional thinking, so we must accept ourselves for who we are at any given present moment, with that aside, I had another issue from my past [triggered?] surface just last weekend and it took a lot of mental discipline to overcome it. There are always going to be suppressed emotions hiding in the nooks and crannies of the darkest corners of our minds and until they're dealt with, they'll be a vibrational burden that pisses all over our fairies and rainbows.[lol] In the past I've had extreme anger issues about people and life in general, and in some cases those anger issues came with self hatred and self blame, some pretty messed up stuff and that's an understatement! A few days ago I discovered some of these issues were still lying dormant in the dark corners of my mind and boy did I feel them! It didn't take a whole lot to trigger these hidden emotions which took me by surprise so I know they surfaced for a reason, with this anger came the fear of BEING angry and although I did my best to suppress it there was no way to escape facing it head on, so I just let it overtake me for awhile even going as far to embracing it. You will find that it will take more courage than you could ever fathom to face up to your own biggest fears, becoming a deliberate creator is not for the faint of heart, as you are coming up against yourself and your beliefs, fears, and eventually, your true potential. Some say anger can be a good motivator and this is true to some extent, but when you've had anger issues such as myself that are buried deep and need resolving, you'll have to surrender to them so they can dissolve and should you resist them, you'd be compounding the problem and feeding the negative momentum. I've also realized that in my early days of discovering law of attraction [2010 to around 2013] I was suppressing a lot of negative emotions out of fear of believing that only positive thinking would guarantee success with law of attraction, of course this belief was delusional. Every issue past or present, EVERY one of them, must be dealt with, there is no escaping it, you cannot bypass any issue, it WILL surface and it WILL need to be cleaned up or you cannot move forward, there may be MANY layers of issues to resolve and dissolve. I've learned that while past issues are resolving more clarity is gained and I get that much closer to aligning to my TRUE desires, what this also does is it narrows everything down a little more, meaning that my preferences are changing during the releasing process. You may find that what you THOUGHT you wanted before, you may no longer want now, this is because you'll get more clarity as you resolve issues that have been holding you back or draining you emotionally, it is a time when you discover what to keep or what to let go of, the good news is only you get to decide, no one or nothing outside of you is judging you or calling the shots, so you must be completely honest with yourself. Anger is a natural emotion and it's unavoidable, after all, we're only human, and yes it has shown to be a prime motivator for change when you've had enough, but less is better when it comes to anger because it can be a HUGE drain on our energy.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
During my waking up phase [still waking up to some degree] there were some days where I just felt like crawling under a rock and hiding from the world. With increasing awareness comes increasing knowledge, sometimes it's unavoidable when everywhere you turn someone or something is reminding you that all is not well in this world, the mainstream media is the main culprit here. A close friend of mine has been following the republican debates here in the U.S. for well over a month, for the sake of sheer entertainment only, I myself have caught a brief glimpse of this ''wannabe reality TV circus debate'' for the next presidency and felt compelled to write my own take on all things politics and deliberate creation. A circus these debates are indeed, and while I've hung up voting for anybody or anything well over a decade now, it was just recently [a few years ago] that I've decided to take responsibility for my own life and that included thinking for myself. It would seem that after decades of failed policies people would stop voting for politicians who continue to be in the pockets of mass corporations, unfortunately there are those who are delusional and believe voting for the ''right'' person will make the world and theirs, a much better place, they're convinced by all this talk of more jobs being created, better health care policies being implemented, and strong foreign policies that will bring peace instead of war. Why time and time again people buy into all these empty promises mystifies me, but it would appear that a majority of those who vote, do so from a place of fear. It's of no surprise that a majority of voters watch the news regularly, how else would they be aware of the problems in the world?, and when election time rolls around, they would head to the booth and cast their vote, with hopes that the person they chose to vote for, can ''fix'' what's broken, makes you wonder doesn't it? When I chose to take personal responsibility for everything that happens in my own life I discarded ''outside'' ideas and influences that conflicted with my new truths, I discovered that the only person that could ACTUALLY make the world a better place was ME, by being a free thinker and believing that I and I only, am responsible for my own reality by choosing my own beliefs/perceptions, as well as what I am thinking and feeling, and as a result, creating. There is no need to rely on outside influences to fix problems that do not affect me or things that are beyond my own control, I've got better and more important things to do as my happiness isn't dependent upon someone/something else. Making the world a better place must come from one individual at a time, by changing their perception, waking up, and seeing the truth for what it really is, instead of multitudes of people buying into the media's fear and looking for a ''one'' savior, who promises to make all their problems go away, only failing to deliver. There is reality and then there is delusion, but things aren't what they seem, we could have it all backwards, what IS reality, is simply illusion, reality can be manipulated or changed, but delusion is simply wanting to believe something that just isn't a truth. I myself, will steer clear of all this 2016 presidential campaign hoopla, I've got WAY better things to do with my time instead of worrying about the problems in this world and looking for someone else to fix them. It's funny though, the very solution to everything is inside of ALL of us, and since we are connected to ''all that is'' the effort would be a hell of a lot smoother and easier than scrambling to the voting booths and looking for an outside fix, lose the news!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Good Wednesday morning, afternoon, evening, wherever you may be, and thank you kindly for stopping by! I am, as I've mentioned before, by no means an expert on the subject of conscious creation, I too, am learning as I go and continue to be a work in progress, but I'll have to admit that the more I move forward, the more I realize that everything I've known before was not serving me at all. With everything that was taught to me, especially in my school years, I can now see why I dropped out of high school. Before I continue I just want to make clear that I am not encouraging anyone reading this article to drop out of school, this is purely from my own personal experience and what knowledge I'VE gained from it. Every thing was fine until junior high school, I loved elementary school because most of the time the class would create and make things, we'd paint, mold clay, do gift exchanges, candy and treats were handed out daily to the class, math and the alphabet were sung, rewards were handed out for best conduct and the most creative student, all sorts of good stuff happening in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. By the 4th grade I had to begin learning about history, more complicated mathematics, and spelling, then by the fifth grade current events, politics, and historical figures past and present, plus even more unimportant history because it was the bicentennial year of 1977, there was a bunch of hype around it at the time. During the 5th grade there were ''assignments'' and homework that took away the fun that used to exist in elementary school, by then my interest began to wane with school. By the 6th grade I hated going to school, and it would be almost three more years of losing interest [skipping school] in all things education, only to finally drop out at the beginning of my ninth year. Looking back, I didn't need to know everything they were teaching me and I have no regret for leaving, everything that school taught me was counter productive to everything I know now, nothing they taught me from 4th grade on has benefited nor resonated with me in any way, all I've learned from the so-called ''education system'' is that you have to attend school every day, then you must finish [graduate] high school, then you must go to college and graduate there, then you must work very hard until retirement, and if you're lucky you can enjoy the rest of your life, how's THAT working out in America today? And what about personal development? Where does that fit into the education system? I can safely say that MY perspective on personal development is a WHOLE lot different than that of the educational system's perspective, shall I illustrate? The education system was created by, you guessed it, the system, and it's all about teaching conformity to those that believe that a proper education is the only route to true success, again, how's that working in these times? Look no further than the student loan debt in this country, the biggest in history, most college graduates are working minimum wage jobs and barely getting by despite working hard all through school and getting good grades. And what about law of attraction? why don't they teach that in school? why wouldn't our education system teach us how to empower ourselves instead of teaching us how to conform to the average ''working class'' system? It was only a matter of time until the education system would ''implode'' and leave millions of students in debt and struggling to find high paying jobs, so do we really need the current education system to be successful in life? Really, we don't! I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have the power within OURSELVES to mold our own reality and create our own dreams, and nothing ''outside'' of ourselves can even come close, it only leads to struggle and hard work when we rely on something that teaches us that we must ''earn'' our dream and no other way is acceptable in society. Times are changing, and this writer has indeed become ''un-schooled'' and I simply cannot credit personal development from any school [educational system] nor it's teachings, my newfound knowledge came much later in my life and the educational system's teachings are nowhere near compatible with those of personal development/deliberate creation. I hope that in some countries, there are good educational systems that are funded properly and benefit those who choose to learn, as well as those who are teaching, that they're passionate about what they do, and they enjoy their work, so everyone could benefit, but here in America, not so much! I'm glad I walked away from the ''education system'' and lived my life in a more ''self taught'' mannerism, I wouldn't be who I am today were it not for this ''learning from my own mistakes'' approach, sure, most would think that I ''messed'' up my life by dropping out of school, but it's quite truly the opposite actually. Think about it this way, how many millionaires and billionaires are high school/college dropouts? look it up and you'd be very surprised!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
The blog site has a whole new look so stop by and see what's happening, a whole new level of conscious creation is taking place as I'm entering into a successful [lucky] phase with the law of attraction, I look forward to sharing my many successes with hopes that they help to inspire you as well as help you to succeed with your own greatest intentions.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Let's tear right into the subject, as this post is about something many can relate to, toxic people. But is a toxic person truly toxic? how would we define a toxic person? The answer could surprise you because a ''toxic person'' is just a label that is used for someone who is generally negative and tends to bring others down, misery loves company right? Whether it's family or co-workers, none of us are immune from toxic people, but should they really be called toxic? Let's dissect this a little, if a man/woman has taken personal responsibility for their life and wants to make more positive changes in their reality, they'll eventually garner a more positive outlook
on their life and reality as a whole, but how would that affect those that they work with, or those who are close to them [friends/family] that generally have a negative outlook on life and reality? This may be why the term ''toxic people'' is so widely used in personal development circles, that is, anyone who feels angry, bitter, or envious of happy/successful people. The more positive changes you make, the more others close to you may resent you, but in a more better case scenario, they could follow your lead, with your own success you've inspired them. Let's get back on course here though, when you begin to make drastic changes in the success department it could have a major effect on those close to you, either they will support you or they'll begin to resent you, often they'll try to protect you from failure by telling you that you need to be realistic, that your desire for success is delusional, they fear that if you succeed, it would shed some light upon them and their failures. Another thing is they're afraid your success would leave them behind, that they could lose a very close friend, so they would enter ''protection mode'' and subconsciously try to sabotage your efforts. Of course they would believe that they mean well, but it's not really you they're protecting but themselves. These issues could intensify with conscious creators who are manifesting success at home or in the workplace, and it can get downright tense with people. The important thing to remember is that no matter how much others resent, try to discourage, or outright lash out at you because of your wanting bigger and better things in life, you can't take it personal because it's not about you, it's about them. For a period, everybody who embarks on the journey of personal development will encounter those that go with the grain of society, your new empowered beliefs will clash with the old limited beliefs of others, including those that are close to you, and that in and of itself can be a challenge. I'm very fortunate that those close to me are supportive of my goals, but I sense deep down that they worry of my changes and fear that I may move on without them, yes, it's possible, to move forward could mean that we may have to leave others behind but we're just doing what's best for ourselves and if we're around others that are holding us back, we have to let go of them no matter how painful it can be. People will remain where they remain as long as they settle for where they are and expect nothing more, but when we believe we deserve more and decide to aim for success and KNOW that we'll achieve it, we can't remain with those that, well, simply choose to remain, remember that like attracts like. I guess it's safe to say that deliberate creators could go through a persecution period of sorts, and with rising success will come the doubters and the naysayers, those that mean well and want to protect you from failure, and those that become jealous and resentful. The important thing is no matter what these people say to you or what actions they take against you, it is best not to take it personal, again, it's not about you, it's about them. Who knows, in some cases you may lead by example, you could inspire those close to you, they could get on board and support your success and follow you along, they might see how well you accomplish things, and look up to you. You've planted your garden of success, but weeds will grow too, and you'll need to get rid of them because they can impede the growth and delay the harvest, so it's paramount to surround yourself with successful like-minded people who can support and even help you achieve your success.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Monday, here we go again with a new week, so lets get it started! In the early stages of my practice with all things deliberate creation, I took this self mastery stuff way too seriously, and unfortunately, for quite some time I'll add, I just had to nail it down so I could manifest my goals ASAP! I think at some point, usually in the beginning stage, we'll all take the law of attraction a little too serious, after all, this is our life for god's sake and we're very serious about making it better. If there were any written disclaimers with conscious creation, one of them would read ''do not take this stuff seriously'' and it's easy to see why with this one single word, RESISTANCE, and as long as it's present in our energy, we're blocking the goods! Yes, it would seem that the more serious you were about changing your reality the faster it would happen, but with this approach you're swimming against the current of the life stream, and you are literally doing things the hard way. Going WITH the stream is effortless, and so is manifestation as well, as you are allowing a natural force to assist you as well as work in your favor, and since it has everything already figured out, your only job is to enjoy life, yes, I said it, I know, I know, this goes against the grain of conventional thinking, but let me remind you that it's conventional thinking that goes against the life stream, and we've all had it backwards for a long time. This is where beliefs and perceptions must change, and going with the flow becomes a predominant way of life rather than an occasional one, ever noticed how well everything is going when you're in the flow? You may ask ''what am I supposed to do to stay in my flow?'' and my question to you would be this, ''what do you love to do? Just keep doing that'' because doing what you enjoy on a consistent basis is alignment, and the goods come more frequent and faster. It doesn't matter what it is you do, as long as it makes you feel good, a favorite hobby, a walk in the woods, bird watching, blasting your favorite tunes, hanging out with your kids/pets, a night on the town with friends chasing girls and tipping pints, bungee jumping, a roll in the hay with your significant other, I could go on, there's a whole lot of good stuff to do here, so much so, it doesn't leave any time left to do something that sucks! For those who have jobs, compensate, leave work where it belongs, AT WORK! life is too short to live with a job 24/7, put your despised bosses' picture on a dartboard and toss away! find ways to do what you love and get paid for that instead, times are changing! It's time to break the rules of the conventional status quo and it's ideas, it's time to go against the grain of society and think outside of the box, it's time to follow the joy instead of the so-called leaders who get to determine what we're worth! It's time to take inspired actions instead of fear/future based actions! Now that I'm pumped, I'm headed to the nearest local pub to celebrate the victory, anyone want to join me? I'm buying!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
All too often we set limits upon ourselves, we've been conditioned to believe there are certain things that we can have, and other things that we can't have. With life energy everything is effortless and this includes co-creation, yet we see something ''big'' and assume that it's out of our scope of possibility, without a second thought we tune back into the ''real world'' and struggle on. I'll remind friends of the simplicity of co-creation and they'll seem to get it intellectually, but very soon after it's back to business as usual and they're off and running, chasing after the mundane and mediocre. I cannot fault anyone for their beliefs nor can I force them to believe what I know now, as this is how I'm certain that I've finally reached a shift in my perception when it comes to how easy it is to create our reality. Yes, it is easy, and we all are doing it effortlessly, of course most of us are doing it in opposition of what we really want, because we are focused predominantly on the things we don't want, and the all obeying Universe conspires to make it so. I could type until my fingers cramp telling you how easy it is to create your desired reality, that the very fact you are in this matrix called physical reality, you deserve everything it has to offer, and you're getting it right now by what you are thinking and believing, good or bad. To reach this truth you must go up against everything you thought you knew, you'll need to make a great shift in your perception and understand that things are occurring behind the scenes instead of what the eyes are seeing and basing reality upon. This cannot happen overnight as it would be far too much of a leap of faith, a buffer of time is required for harmony and alignment towards a desired reality. On yesterday's post I discussed that knowing the basics of reality creation are all you really need to understand and create your desired reality, and while this is true we still need to develop the faith and knowing that the Universal laws are unwavering and precise, they are always in operation, and what we are thinking and believing we are always getting.
When you've accepted responsibility for everything you've created and continue to create in your physical reality, you've opened the door to being a deliberate creator, but it goes much further than that, as much as you've focused on what you didn't want, you've gotten exactly what you ''didn't'' want, did you deserve it? from your own perspective of course not, why would you want something you did not prefer? This is how obedient the Universe is, and why it is very crucial to accept responsibility for everything that happens in your reality, and how empowering this can be! Look at those who have everything, and yet more and more comes to them, so much so, that they have more than enough of everything, why is this? Because they know that they deserve more due to the very fact that they exist, it's that simple, they don't allow themselves to be swayed by other's views and opinions let alone the ideas of the status quo, they simply believe that their very existence entitles them to whatever they desire. This entitlement I speak of comes from a very different perspective than how most view entitlement in our society, as entitlement with the status quo is mostly based on lack, believing that hard work is required to be entitled to something, whereas entitlement by simply existing, is a Universal truth, and once knowing and believing in this Universal truth, effortless creation is born. It would seem that from the beginning we strive to learn and understand how everything operates with conscious creation, we'll want to dissect the whole process so that we can understand how it REALLY works, and as mentioned in the last post there will be periods of confusion and frustration as the mind itself will search for answers and proof that the law of attraction is real and valid. Maybe it's required to do so, but after some time we'll learn and understand that we really don't need to understand every last detail of how we create our reality, it's not the mind's job to figure everything out, and finally realizing this, after much confusion and frustration, we'll let go of the specifics and get ''back to basics''
in our approach. In closing, we exist for a reason and the reason is simple yet complicated, but at some point we'll begin to learn and understand that our very existence entitles us to our own birthrights, to live the life we choose and have whatever we want, because we simply exist!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Good morning everyone, thank you very much for visiting this blog site, as I can see that more and more page views are lighting up on my dashboard, so much appreciation is expressed! I'm finally back from a little hiatus of fun and debauchery! But seriously friends, I've had my fill and now it's back to inspired action and another subject at hand, and while my Labor Day holiday was fun there were also some realizations that went with it, and those realizations were I'm in no big hurry to figure everything out spiritually. What do I mean by all of this? From my own experience I've made the mistake of mental micro-managing how all of this deliberate creation stuff works, I mean all those messed up beliefs clashing with all of these spiritual principles, and how we're SUPPOSED to think and feel to get the things we want. Through the past few years I searched and searched for more answers on HOW all this reality creation stuff REALLY works, my mind was actually looking for proof because it would not be satisfied until it found the validity of the law of attraction. My own wounded mind became involved in the process, and this brought about a lot of inner chaos within my own belief system, and for a few years there would be a lot of confusion trying to find proof and validation of the Universal laws, as well as what kind of person I would have to become to implement them successfully. The Universal laws are ALWAYS operating, we don't USE them at our own convenience when we want to change something, they are and will always be no matter where we are or what we're doing. We can really overthink things can't we? I did, my mind was always seeking answers, but I've come to learn now that with that futile approach, the search would be endless, and manifesting desired realities can't happen when we're trying to figure everything out. I believe NOW, that we don't need to know all of the answers about conscious creation and HOW it all works, the basics are just fine, but it's the very HOW that complicates the process and stalls manifestations, common questions that could arise would be [am I doing everything right?] [Am I spiritual enough?] [how much do I need to change?] [Is it selfish or bad to want bigger or more things?] [will past karma not allow anything good to come into my life?] [Isn't there a higher power that determines all outcomes in my life?] Questions such as these can lead to an endless search resulting in a life of confusion, the ''who am I and why am I here'' syndrome that keeps questioning and never finds the satisfying answer that it seeks. We're not supposed to have it all figured out, remember that this is a journey and not a destination, it's of no point to be in a hurry to reach a certain place because no one knows you better than yourself, hence my disagreement with religions as well as some spiritual teachings, that put forth these ideas that we all must REACH for the ultimate state of bliss and enlightenment, ascending towards who we truly are, to stray from the material world and strive for perfection, becoming the spiritual masters we were destined to be. While there are people through the ages and in modern times who have accomplished the levels of ascension I've mentioned above, the truth is that only a handful of humanity will accomplish such feats of enlightenment, ascension, and spiritual self mastery, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, it's just that I'm in no hurry to get there, to reach such a place I would have to experience death, and I am by no means in a hurry to get THERE anytime soon! To put it all in a nutshell if you will, we don't have to become a ''spiritual guru'' to manifest the life of our dreams, we don't have to strive for perfection just so we can finally deserve that luxury car, dream house, or passive income that we've dreamed about for so many years, we deserve them just as we are, right here, right now. Why be in a hurry anyway? the unfolding is WAY better than the actual prize itself, and after five years of searching for the correct answers, I've found that the right answer was directly in front of me the whole time, that I am where I need to be AT this time, there is no pressure here, and it's certainly not a good idea to try to reach for perfection and become something I'm not, be it an enlightened spiritual master, or a Buddhist Monk, living in a temple [no offense guys!] I love the physical and material world and I enjoy experiencing both of them. Yes, after five years it's back to basics, I'm not looking for huge drastic changes, I'm going with the flow of life, that laid back no pressure approach that carries me downstream, trying to strive for perfection sounds upstream to me, and the law of attraction is always working whether we're perfect or not.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Good morning from the valley of the sun, as you may have noticed, I've been on somewhat of a writing binge lately, and although I cannot explain why this is happening, the best reason I can come up with is the inspiration bug may have bitten me, but there has to be more to this, perhaps the real motivating factor is to pay it forward by helping others reach their full potential, as I believe in sharing the wealth of knowledge that's available to all of us. That was long, anyway, I'll be taking some time off from writing due to the upcoming holiday [Labor Day] to chill out, cut loose, and have some fun, the weather's beginning to change in Phoenix and that means my hibernation is coming to an end. This past summer has been very confining and difficult to endure, especially during my letting go phase, but I can finally see the meadow through the woods and it feels like positive changes will come along with the change of season [Fall] so with all of that, new posts and new chapters will come yet soon again, there is still much to experience and write about with this blog site, until then, happy Labor Day everyone!
Inward bound
Welcome back, this subject continues from the last article I've posted, [are you a match?] a sequel if you will, as there is much more to cover on the subject of being a vibrational match, and I wanted to cover this from my own perspective and personal experience. There is a stage in [allowing] where you must know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that your intention will manifest, and prior to this stage of allowing, you had undergone and completed the stage of letting go, and during this stage of letting go you've gotten used to seeing vibrational matches [signs] that you are aligning to your desires/intentions, remember that new car example? Something changes however when you've let go of your desire/intention and reached that stage of allowing it to manifest, you're no longer focused on a specific desire/intention anymore because when you are truly allowing, you no longer feel the need to focus upon it, you know it's already yours. Here's where things get tricky and people [like myself in the past]] get tripped up in their allowing stage, since you're no longer putting much focus towards your desires/intentions it will be obvious that the vibrational matches of your specific desires/intentions will dramatically decrease, so in the beginning you may get frustrated and assume nothing's happening, but you would be wrong to think that way because things ARE happening, but they are taking place behind the scenes. This is very critical to understand because most people will give up assuming that nothing's working and they'll quit just before the manifestation takes place. Call it faith or call it positive expectation, but it's required in the stage of allowing and if you're still looking for outside evidence of manifestation [vibrational matches] you won't be allowing your desire/intention to manifest, that's all in the past, during the intended focus stage. Take my own personal experience for example, five years ago I launched the desire for much, much more money, for several months to follow I'd see all things related to money, on billboards, television, license plates, I'd even see armored vehicles everywhere, plus I'd always find change on the ground constantly, and this went on for a few years! Eventually these things became less frequent and have decreased dramatically as I underwent the letting go stage, with the exception a few signs [matches] here and there, but nothing too frequent like before. The reason these ''signs'' decrease in time is a good thing, it means we are fully detached and we are allowing the Universe the space it needs to bring our desires into our physical reality, we'll no longer need ''proof'' of our desires manifesting, we'll KNOW they are already ours and since we're no longer focused on them, they won't be reflected back to us, instead, a physical manifestation takes place and the unfolding is happening behind the scenes, of course we may have to ''take action'' on it or, it could fall into our lap unexpectedly.
Trust me as I write this, if you truly and fully believe that what you want is already yours, you won't feel the need to see any ''signs'' or outside evidence of manifestation, instead, you'll see the actual physical manifestation of your desire, you only SAW the signs early on because you were focused and ''aligning'' to your desire, and the Universe was simply ''reflecting'' that focus back to you, indicating that yes, the message [desire] had been received! As you progress with reality creation you no longer rely on ''outside'' experiences or proof to confirm your desires, you begin to turn inward and base your alignment on ''how you feel'' and the good feelings are your compass towards getting what you want. The process of learning reality creation will begin with ''seeing is believing'' but over time and through the stages of focusing, letting go, and finally allowing, we'll come to that final conclusion that ''believing is seeing''
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
So you've discovered the secret [not the book or movie] that you can have anything your heart desires, and at this point you've grasped the whole concept of L.O.A. intellectually, so you're eager to get to work on focusing/visualizing your desired reality. As you begin to focus more intently on the things you want, the Universe begins to ''mirror'' those things back to you, an example would be a specific car you want to manifest, and when you are focused on that specific car, you'll begin to see that same car everywhere in your outer reality. This gets you excited because you'll begin to see that your focused intention is working and you begin to expect your desired car to manifest soon. As you continue to focus more intently on your new car your expectation for it's manifestation grows and your excitement continues to build, but as time passes you begin to notice that it hasn't manifested yet, the initial excitement weakens and the resistance begins to surface, ''dude, where's my car?'' In the meantime you increase your focus on your desired car, and the Universe continues to mirror back the car you're focused on, you see it everywhere, even multiple times on some days, your hope builds and builds as you hold your focus but as more time passes still no car. Now, instead of feeling good about the car you begin to feel negative about it, and although you still see the desired car frequently in your outer reality, you can't help but notice the ''lack'' of having your car. You amp up your visualizing/focus routine and yet the lack of having your car outweighs the ''already having'' of it, you generate some positive feelings, but soon after you go back to noticing the lack of it. At this point your resistance begins to increase around your desired car and yet you continue to see it, but you notice that someone else has it and you still don't, you may generate feelings of jealousy or resentment towards others that have the very car you want. Questions arise such as ''is the Universe messing with me? What's happening here, I asked, why am I not receiving?'' If anyone reading this post is frustratingly going through the above scenario, take comfort, as I too have gone through this experience for a few years, and there IS a perfect explanation for why this happens. It starts with the creation process, when you desire something your higher self has already expanded into it, let's say that car you really want for example, yes it has already been created, that part is done, so seeing that car everywhere would be a confirmation that your higher self is already ''living'' in the vibration of that car you desire, so in a sense it's already done. Now, your job, that physical aspect of you, has to get up to speed with higher self/Universe, and become the person who ''already'' has the car, you must close the gap by aligning to higher self directly, or becoming a ''vibrational match'' to your desired car. Any time you're focused on the lack of your car, [noticing it hasn't arrived yet] there is still a considerable gap between you and that car, that's why you feel bad, so you must close that gap, and the best way to do this is to let go of that car and ''allow'' it to manifest itself.
I know it may sound counter-productive to use this approach, but I want to help you get that thing you want. Let's examine it this way by using the desired car example above, say you've already manifested this car into your physical reality, it's yours now, and the initial excitement of getting in and driving this car makes you look forward to getting out of bed every day, but after a considerable amount of time passes the initial excitement turns into routine, you're still glad you have the car, but now it just feels like an ordinary part of your life and even more, you have to keep it insured, serviced regularly, and maintained on the outside to keep it looking new. Put into another perspective, if you already have what you want, why would you be ''excited'' about getting something you already have? I use to believe that ''fist pumping excitement'' was all you needed to manifest your desires quickly, but the vibration of excitement only implies that you're anticipating something that's yet to arrive, thus your energy says that it isn't exactly there, so there's still a gap between you and what you want. So how do you reach this place of ''no big thing'' regarding your desired car? First by examining what limited beliefs you may have about co-creation and how it really operates, plus a whole lot of letting go and allowing must take place, to higher self a mansion is no different than a dollhouse, a toy car is no different than an actual real car, it is only our own perceptions and beliefs that make the distinctions. The time it takes to become a vibrational match to a desired thing or reality will vary depending on the individual, the amount of limiting beliefs they've held on to, and for how long of course as well, put simply however, when you've reached that space of relaxed awareness, KNOWING that your desire is already yours, it'll feel like a natural thing that just ''happens'' and nothing more, just like grabbing an orange juice from your refrigerator when you desire it, it's there waiting for you and so is that car you desire.
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