Saturday, May 16, 2015

Chive on and thrive on

Life happens easier and manifestations happen more smoothly when we're relaxed and confident that all of our preferences are met despite what physical reality is showing. When you are relaxed and ''un-phased'' by your current unwanted reality you are allowing changes to occur more in your favor, the reason is simple, your focus isn't on the unwanted reality, instead it is on where you prefer to go, thus creating that very preferred reality. Since change doesn't happen as fast as we'd like consider this a good thing, as necessary adjustments need to be made and alignment must be ''fine tuned'' on a consistent basis, what good is a mind if it can't be changed? Being true to yourself and taking personal responsibility for everything that happens in your life is a necessary step towards getting everything you want, victims cannot win in this game of life, when you complain you'll remain. While driving yesterday a thought [or a revelation] came to my mind and being, this has never been said before and I'm going to share it with you in hopes that it resonates well, and it is as follows, ''IF IT FEELS BAD, IT'S NOT TRUE, IF IT FEELS GOOD, FOLLOW THROUGH'' if you're not being true to yourself the actions you take will not feel inspired, however, being true to yourself will enable the inspired actions to seek you out and come in the form of intuitional nudges, thus moving you in a smooth manner towards the things you want. We [authentic selves] are in these physical bodies to experience this game of life, but even more importantly to thrive with success, not strive FOR success, and as we wake up to our true potential we'll realize that we've had it backwards all along, we've been going against the current of the life stream, drop the oars!

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