Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It's personal

Good evening everyone, another post, and another reminder that circumstances don't matter but state of being does, in the past few weeks I've dealt with some very unpleasant circumstances I've brought upon myself, yes, even as I've learned SO much about conscious creation I'll still wobble here and there. Being a deliberate creator is a personal journey, nobody else's, and we all have a different point of view when it comes to manifesting our desires, others cannot see things from our own point of view, and we cannot force our point of view on others as well. We must let others be as they are, even if they disagree with us or we with them, making peace with current circumstances moves us forward and that includes accepting others for who they are, allowing them to be as they are, again, this is a personal journey and only we ourselves can determine how we are feeling and where we are going, it's all personal choice, and no one else can decide for us. As hard as it can be to deal with others, especially in the workplace, we can be the creator of our circumstances rather than the victims of them, we should always put alignment first, before anyone and anything, nothing is more important if you want to create the life you want, putting yourself first is not selfish when it comes to deliberate creation, you must help yourself first before you can help others. In closing there is this adage, circumstances don't matter, state of being does, put more simply, our well being should not be conditional upon anyone or anything, but rather we should be focused on alignment above everything else, well being and peace out!

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