Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Terrific Tuesday everyone! In the past 57 months, slow and steady growth has won the race for me, looking back at where this all began, [the deepest desire for positive change in my life,] it's easy to understand why my progress has been so slow going, and for a very good reason. It would seem very nice if we could just decide that we wanted to change something we're not happy with in our life, and suddenly it's fixed as fast as we wanted it to be, but unfortunately things don't work that way. We are conditioned and instilled with certain beliefs that go completely against the spiritual concepts of the law of attraction and effortless manifestation, thus inner work and re-conditioning of our thoughts and beliefs are required on a consistent basis. We don't need to have everything figured out, but when we learn about and implement conscious creation to create the life we desire we'll ''think'' that we will know what's best for us, we'll think we're very clear on what it is we really want, but this would be far from the truth. As we are just beginning to understand how these Universal laws operate we may try to manipulate them in our favor, I too did this in the beginning, but the Universe will not deliver something you are not ready for, you must become a vibrational match to what it is you wish to manifest. It is true that the moment you decided what you wanted, it WAS created, your broader self is already ''living'' your desire, therefor you must get up to speed with your already created desire, you must ''catch up'' with it at a vibrational standpoint, you must already have it despite what your physical reality is telling you. I think at the beginning desire is formed from our ego self, more money, that big mansion, that sports car that turns your friends green with envy, you know, stuff! I'm not knocking those things, I'm that person too, but during all of this wanting and desire something else happens, a self discovery if you will, you start to identify with who you really are. This is no accident, our purpose is to seek this truth, even through desire, and although we wish we could just simply get everything we wanted with no strings attached, we would just not be ready for it, these things could not remain in our lives, they would just come and go. Look no further than lottery winners who win mega million dollar jackpots, in most cases they were not ready or capable of handling huge sums of money, they spend and behave in a reckless manner, there is conflict with family members and friends, the initial excitement was good, but a few years down the road they'll tell you that winning 300,000,000 was one of the worst things to ever happen to them, having that kind of money was just too much for them to handle, it tore their friends and families apart. On the other hand there are people who win the lottery and follow their hearts, they'll give a large portion of it towards charity and good causes, pay college tuition for their children or grandchildren, they'll invest wisely for returns, creating a constant flow of wealth going out and coming in, some even remain working in their day jobs, choosing to not live in the ignorance of the sudden windfall of the ''now that I'm rich, I'll fill that empty void and spend, spend, and spend before it's gone'' mentality. These people directed their windfall outward, not inward, true wealth is created from within, because that is where it lies, within, but if it's directed outward it will leave your reality almost as fast as it came. There is no right or wrong, everything is neutral, we as humans give everything a meaning according to our perception and beliefs, once we begin to know the true self, the perception and beliefs change, as well as the reality we create. We'll never get it done, we'll continue to desire more once a desire is fulfilled and so on and so on, until, desire no longer is important because we discover that everything we ever wanted was already within us, not outside of us, and through constant desire we reach a place where we discover our true purpose, and if you haven't figured this whole thing out yet don't sweat it, it's a journey friends, experience and enjoy!

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