Saturday, January 12, 2013

Creators unite!

I am back! boy am I inspired today, looked over my page views and wow! thank you all for visiting these posts, it means so much to me to reach and teach what is working SO well for me, so, I want to give something back to you blessed readers, you, all of you are unlimited creators, every thought, every minute, brings forth a manifestation, whether it be a cup of coffee, a walk in nature, or a meeting with a friend for lunch, even what you order for lunch, it's all a manifestation. You readers believe with total conviction, that tuna melt you ordered at the cafe, will be coming to your table to enjoy, you hold no doubts, you wait for the sandwich to be prepared KNOWING you will very soon be enjoying it. Now the best part, a million dollars, a new house, a loving partner, a new porche SUV, ''IS'' not any different, to the universal intellegence, what we ask for, according to our beliefs, and emotions, we get, that simple, a cup of coffee is no harder to get than a new car! I can hear you thinking ''wanna bet?'', and I can understand, but that's our perception, to the universe there is no polarity, no difference, it responds only to our beliefs and emotions, it knows right nor wrong, it delivers every single time, 24/7, we are conditioned to think that the bigger the things, the harder they are to obtain, the answer is simply no, no, no! We were put here to create, we are constantly creating, every time we think, we create, the greatest achievements on the planet started as a thought, and hence, created. Art, music, poetry, all creation!  It is we, as humans that put limitations on ourselves, nobody else, everything we thought we knew is changing now, we are becoming aware of our true power to create and how exciting it truly is to begin to know this real truth. Truth is powerful, it is ever knowing, ever increasing, it's evolving and it's transformed into reality, when we are knowing and aware of this truth [that we are truly co-creators with the universal intellegence] amazing things start to happen in our lives!  We all have this power, and when we learn to use and master it, things change on a global scale, it does not take much for this shift to occur, ONE person can make a huge difference! the more of us that become aware of our God given potential, the more better our planet becomes, we will move away from the falsehoods and limitations we are bombarded with daily, and reach and grab what's rightfully ours, by birthright, and seize every thing we want to be, do, and have. 2012 has passed, what I've experienced was a transformative year, now I feel limitless, you too readers, are limitless, I am embracing 2013 as the year of infinite potentiality, it is the miracle year, all the false fearmongering about 2012 never happened, in my view, it was a year of higher consciousness, a tipping point if you will, to bring a new awareness, even while some do not see it, it is occuring. I consider myself to be a part of this new age of awareness, and to be guided to learn and inspire along with my journey, as I've learned, I've grown, and the rewards are astounding!, now I feel inspired to inspire! This is just the beginning, stay tuned!

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