Saturday, December 22, 2012

The ''key'' awareness

Happy holidays everyone!, we are still here!,  I suppose the Mayans got it wrong?, the December 21st 2012 end of the world did'nt occur, but of course!  I do not believe the Mayans were speaking of the end of this world, as so much stuff out there is bombarding us with this end of the world gloom and doom scenario, enough already! it is NOT the end of the world! The problem here is that society is becoming conditioned to believe that some kind of apocalypse is looming, this is indeed dangerous thinking and ''creating'' of self fulfilling prophecies that can be avoided. I see an opportunity here, that we should all take very much advantage of, we are at the tipping point of a new higher consciousness occuring on this planet, and  I  myself, personally, believe this is what the ancient civilizations could be referring to. When I began this spiritual journey, naturally, my awareness began to grow, after a few years it has blossomed into something amazing, I never imagined it would lead me to so many revelations and realizations, and the truths of it all, what a gift this is indeed readers! This kind of awareness we develope while becoming what we truly are, is something akin to animals, some creatures are gifted with such awareness, they know, and sense their way through existence. Birds, for example, they have a very strong awareness, Dogs too, like the Wolf, Whales , Dolphins, these creatures are very spiritual as well. We , in society are losing our awareness, we are being distracted by too many other things that are pulling us away from who we truly are, jobs, stress, constantly chasing the carrot on the stick in life, then there is the brainwashing of the media, corporatations advertising what they ''think'' we should have in our lives, and yes, we go back to the fear doctrine supressing so many and giving away their power hoping others can solve their problems, no wonder things seem to be such a mess, but readers, it only ''SEEMS'' to be! Why?, perception, it's how people are being lead to percieve that things are going down the toilet, this just is'nt the case. My mission is becoming clearer here, to help bring this awareness to those choosing to become aware, to reclaim their power and be the best they can be, this goes far beyond manifesting material things, {although, I love that part too!} the real purpose is to become a vibrational match to our higher selves, which knows us ''better'' than ourselves, which points us in the right directions, making decisions our ego could not even touch, and yes, manifesting our heart's desires effortlessly! This is our true purpose, to become alligned to our higher selves, it does not matter who or what you believe in, it does not matter what religion, only we can choose our own path to allign to who we truly are, it is a very personal mission. Becoming aware, to me is like a survival mechanism, again like an animal, but I also feel protected, like I'm being guided by my higher self, like a voice inside saying ''okay, seize that, or wait, don't do this thing yet'', these messages also come in ''signs'' because of my awareness, I notice these signs, which  in turn, increases my awareness even further, in turn, bringing about more syncronicity to notice and so forth. What this boils down to is awareness = guidance, it seems to come naturally to a deliberate creator, to become aware!, I love this, because with it comes a wisdom that most would lose an arm for, I've been watching the night sky alot with my new found awareness, and we are missing out on the greatest answers we seem to be searching for constantly,  but are too afraid to pursue. Some, unfortunatly, will be afraid of their true power, it scared me a little, but only a little, then I just went with it, it would take writing  a book to dive into the subject of such a transformation, but for those of us who make the conscious choice to allign to our higher selves it may get a little strange for awhile, but it is a part of the process, how you view people, animals, the planet all  will drastically change, there will be internal struggles, spiritual battles with the ego, even dreams are effected, with symbols and messages of the progress of transformation. Intimidating?, yes, but the rewards are powerful!   As I've mentioned before, in past articles as well, we, I believe are in the midst of a new higher consciousness on this planet, things ''ARE'' shifting, and some will not adapt, nor accept, and will continue the struggle, there will be alot of resistance to this shift, but the change must occur, because the things that have been happening so far have not worked, doing more damage than good, moving us in the wrong direction, straying, if you will, from our true path. Nature has a way of sending these messages to us and it is not always pleasant, but what nature is trying to say could be that we may need to change course, not only in consciousness, but also the decisions we make in relation to this planet, this is not the end of the world, it may be the beginning of a new one, but from here, it's up to us on where we take it.                                                                                      HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE TO YOU AND YOURS!

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